
DirectPlay with 80+ Users

Started by January 22, 2001 12:11 PM
1 comment, last by EnochDagor 23 years, 10 months ago
Using DirectPlay 7.0 with Visual Basic, I have experienced a degradation of the driver when I try to connect more than 80 clients to a server. The clients receive some form of automation error and its very difficult to track. My guess is there may be some MAX connections setting or something that is causing the issue. The application is not necessarily needing a quick network but does need a connected one. I am trying to achieve a 100 client network. Any help out there will be appreciated. E.D.
Enoch DagorLead DeveloperDark Sky EntertainmentBeyond Protocol
I''ve heard some version of windows (98, NT, 2000 Pro?) limits the max number of connections to around 64 or something like that, the actual number is set somewhere in the registery. Perhaps that could be your problem?

Good Luck

There''s a setting in one of the dplay h files I believe. It may be the dpconnect.cpp file. I adjusted it to 1500.

There''s a variable called MAX_SESSIONS or something that determines it.

It''s been awhile since I''ve done anything with that so I''m not certain. The only thing I know is that it''s one of the dplay files you include in your program.

There is no limit. I don''t know where you got 64 from.


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