
What free small linuxes are out there?

Started by February 10, 2006 04:05 AM
8 comments, last by johnnyBravo 18 years, 11 months ago
Hi, I want to install linux onto a usb drive, so I can boot it on my laptop, and I was wondering what small linuxes are out there. So far I have found: Damn Small Linux Feather Linux (yet to find a working downloadable link) Puppy Linux Deli Linux DSL seems to be all that comes up on the google search results, so what else is out there? Thanks
i recommend you Damn Small Linux or GeeXboX (only 6MB!)
There was one I liked called core linux, but I believe the projects been abandoned. (Its still a great way to get aquainted with linux though.)

Also check the distro list.
Hmm I've tried just about all the small linuxes that there is, it seems that they all are either buggy or have bad interfaces :(

Just download a live cd of a real distro, or you will not see what linux is capable of.
I suggest something like the Ubuntu live-cd to get you started.
Ubuntu can run off an USB stick. In fact, many popular distro's can be these days. What size USB drive are you using?

<hr />
Sander Marechal<small>[Lone Wolves][Hearts for GNOME][E-mail][Forum FAQ]</small>

This sounds like fun! I have a 512mb usb thumbdrive, what would be a good OS to throw on it? Do I need to update my BIOS to beable to boot from a usb drive?
Anyone know? *bump*
Quote: Original post by jumpjumpjump
Just download a live cd of a real distro, or you will not see what linux is capable of.
I suggest something like the Ubuntu live-cd to get you started.

I actually just uninstalled ubuntu, at first i thought i was great, but things like not being able to set a port as tcp/ip type started to get to me.

Quote: Original post by Sander
Ubuntu can run off an USB stick. In fact, many popular distro's can be these days. What size USB drive are you using?

Only 128 that I willing to ruin (by reading/writing too much).

But I think im over putting linux on a usb drive anyway. I'll just install one on the harddrive.

Quote: Original post by Fallen God
This sounds like fun! I have a 512mb usb thumbdrive, what would be a good OS to throw on it? Do I need to update my BIOS to beable to boot from a usb drive?

Yea you have to set in the bios usb-hd or something.

Out of some of the ones I looked at, flash linux and possibly slax linux(popcorn edition...) might work.

I'm trying out Ark Linux which looks pretty advanced, but when I install it, in automated or expert mode it unfortunently just hangs with a black screen when it goes to enter the gui. I think theres a way around this still working on it :)

I'm also trying gentoo, but I'm still to work out how to start the installation :)

Just got ark linux working, so far im extremely impressed. I can see my windows computers without any setting up!

[Edited by - johnnyBravo on February 14, 2006 1:39:39 AM]

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