
Linux Distro for a Server

Started by December 10, 2005 12:02 PM
11 comments, last by MatrixCubed 19 years, 1 month ago
Quote: Original post by Halsafar
Yes I've been learning the wonders of apt-get. I got the universe repositories added. I've installed nearly everything via apt-get that didn't come with the system.
I was spoiled with Mandriva and its GUI.

Take a look at synaptic
most distros will run smoothly on that. i have slackware 10.2 with kde running fine on a laptop i have. p2 366MHz 192MB ram. i did add a 500MB swap drive. perhaps you can try adding a bigger swap. also, the kernel probably has a lot of junk in it you don't need for your system. if you do a custom recompile it'll probably run a good deal faster.

as for distros, i really like Slackware. Gentoo is on my desktop and runs beautifully. the only thing with gentoo is, on a slow system, it will take forever to get running. it compiles everything from scratch. however there is a plus side to this if you have the patience to make it through the installing. you can set gentoo up to compile stuff specifically for your system. for example support for certain api's and drivers. this may decrease the file size and boost the speed of the application and entire system. installing stuff on gentoo is incredibly easy as is keeping the system updated with application patches.

i hope this helps you make a more informed decision. good luck =)

Quote: Original post by Halsafar
Yes I've been learning the wonders of apt-get. I got the universe repositories added. I've installed nearly everything via apt-get that didn't come with the system.
I was spoiled with Mandriva and its GUI.

I finally got the comp to share just fine on windows and linux comps. It is necessary since as well as being a private server for JSP it is also the backup housing for the area.

Thanks for all your help.

If you're still headed the Ubuntu way, you might also find this useful:

Best regards,

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