
[4E4] #34 The Curse of Za Defami Island

Started by November 07, 2005 11:50 AM
15 comments, last by cow_in_the_well 18 years, 10 months ago
Not that much mentioned around here about this game for some unexplained reason. This entry is really a favorite of mine. If you havn't tried it out you really should. Feel like a professional FPS with voice acting and vidoes and stuff. And a really good 3D engine, runs very smooth. Download Nice job cow_in_the_well!!! /MindWipe
"To some its a six-pack, to me it's a support group."
It was purty and the zombie sounds made me laugh.
The zombie sounds are great. And the physics and graphics rock. Fun game!
ZiDefami was one of my favorites - probably my favorite of the FPSs. The jumping games were okay, but the controls were a bit delayed, so it took some time to make it through. Also, I had to stand around for quite some time at the end before it decided to let me know that the demo was done :P

You might increase the effective distance of the axe-weapon-thing... it's tough when you have to actually be touching the zombies for it to work.

But really - the sounds were nice, the zombies had huge heads, the graphics were neat (esp. the weapons) and I thouroughly enjoyed it.

Oh - loved the voice acting!
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
Thanks guys ^_^.

Yeah the most consistent complaint I've had is about the "jumping puzzles". I put that down to the zero gameplay testing we did (playing it ourselves didn't help cause at the end I could run through the level with my eye's shut -_^).

I'm glad we did the voice acting and the fancy cutscenes. It seems to set us apart a bit from the others (I do believe we're the only entry with voice acting?).

Most of that extra stuff is in there because my artist (Sid) insisted on it. I wasn't going to have AVI support, but he showed me the intro video he made and that pretty much signed the deal ;). In fact the game was initially just going to be one room with lots of zombies just spawning constantly -_-.

Also yes, the zombie sounds were fun to record...although we had sore throats for the rest of the day after that :(.

How many people actually finished it? That "ending" thing was literally recorded at the last minute (the initial level design was twice that size, and he was constantly asking about a bat creature -_^).

Avatar God: You say the input is sluggish, huh? Havn't heard that one yet. Do you have anything running in the background (I find winamp running can make things slower). I'm using straight win32 messages for input.

Extra fun stuff:

Cheats (type these into the console, brought up with ~):

God mode (well, "almost god mode" :P): god 1
Spawn object (type = health, ammo, treasure, zombie): spawn <type>
Super Jump (enabe before game starts): superjump 1
Super crazy fast zombies: speedzombies 1

I accidentally shipped the testing level I was using with the game. Type "world LightmapTest" into the console to load it (for kicks and giggles). This is, as you can see, programmer art -_^.

Playing around with all the other console variables can produce whacky/fun stuff (such as the viewbob and landing viewshake parameters). Type "listvars" and "listcmds" for a list of stuff to play with.

If you really are bored, you can take a peek at the python code (it drives the high level gameplay) contained in the 4e4/Scripts folder. I EXEPCT TO SEE MANY MODS MADE, K? :P.

- Thomas Cowellwebsite | journal | engine video

I was looking forward to something good after the introduction, but all I got in-game was a black screen with a health counter.
I can only assume it uses pixel shaders which my GF2 doesn't support? An error would have been preferable...
Oh, just on the jumping - when I was running, and then jumped, the character had a bad habit of running for another second before actually jumping into the air... if he hadn't already fallen over the edge. Anyways, I got used to it, but it seemed a little odd.

And the voice acting and video set it apart quite a bit. The 'feel' of the game was by far my favorite of the FPSs entered. Well, maybe of all the games.
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
Quote: Original post by d000hg
I was looking forward to something good after the introduction, but all I got in-game was a black screen with a health counter.
I can only assume it uses pixel shaders which my GF2 doesn't support? An error would have been preferable...

I had the same problem with just a blank black screen. Then I tried playing in safe mode but the screen was so dark I could barely make out the Player HUD health numbers or main menu.

This was on a geforce6800 here at work with an digital lcd monitor, I havent tried yet at home.
The blank screen thing...yeah, you need pixel shaders and the effect files just arn't validating so nothing gets rendered....I should put some error message in :P.

On the 6800 (i have a 6800GT myself), does the console get drawn if you press the tilde key? Try running "launch_debug.bat" that is contained in the installation directory. That seemed to fix it on one computer (although I have no idea WHY it would fix it :P). I have no idea about the low gamma thing tho...I've had that problem reported on several machines :/.

Quote: Original post by Avatar God
Oh, just on the jumping - when I was running, and then jumped, the character had a bad habit of running for another second before actually jumping into the air... if he hadn't already fallen over the edge. Anyways, I got used to it, but it seemed a little odd.

Interesting. Thats not by design ;). I'll have to look into my input code.

[Edited by - cow_in_the_well on November 8, 2005 10:54:49 PM]

- Thomas Cowellwebsite | journal | engine video

Also, I love your member name so much more that I know your last name... I swear I just spent a minute or two laughing...

After playing all the games again, I think this was my favorite. (With the possible exception of Paranoia, but I'm biased).
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.

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