Quote: Original post by KylotanQuote: Original post by RPGeezus
Would you both agree with this statement:
"The effectiveness of cross-over is directly related to how statistically unrelated the discreet components, that make up the solution, are."
Yes to the first, maybe to the second. The quality of the operator goes hand in hand with the representation of the problem.
And "Cross-over alone, by neccessity, excludes many types of problems from the mix as encoding is a limiting factor."? :D
Quote: Original post by Kylotan
I say no to the 3rd [less cycles] because crossover - where applicable - makes better use of the information encoded in your population than mutation does.
_IF_ all other requirements are met.
Quote: Original post by Kylotan
When you get 2 solutions which have evolved to be good, but in different ways, crossover provides the chance of yielding a solution that takes the best from both.
ONLY if the operands that make up the solution are not bound by order of appearance. Then yes, there is a chance.
Quote: Original post by Kylotan
Mutation does not do anything to explicitly facilitate that.
Mutation works with a single line of ancestors. A familiy rope -vs- a family tree. Concievably you are using half the code per ancestor (per ancestor) you could have used, BUT, are a gauranteed that the code you do have is statistically more significant. Sound reasonable?
Why limit cross-over to two parents? Why not 3, 4, 5 or 100? Why two? It would stand to reason that two should be the least you would want, but not the neccesarily the optimium number.
Quote: Original post by Kylotan
They're [poker hands] a poor example of what you'd use a GA for, because of the heavily discontinuous search space and impractical representation. Crossover would give you some benefit over random search, but not much. The same goes for mutation here.
You could make mutation work without having to worry about how 'orthagonal' the encoding was. If your GA evolved a compressed respresentation of a poker hand (which would be later expanded during the evaluation), or your evaluation function was dynamic, you could reach a global maximum from any starting position. The draw back would be wasted space in your compressed representation of the solution (like unreachable code).
For this to happen cross-over would not work so well.
Quote: Original post by Kylotan
There's no reason why not. GAs don't care about how many best solutions there are, they care about the shape of the solution space.
Cross-over cares about how many best solutions there are.
Maybe we're in disagreement because of our point-of-view. It would seem a system designed to work best with mutation will be a poor system for cross-over. It only would seem to work one way though-- would a system designed to work with cross-over limit the effectiveness of mutation?