
Where to start for Linux?

Started by December 17, 2000 04:22 PM
2 comments, last by Larkfellow 23 years, 9 months ago
I''m just wondering if there is any information available for beginning graphics/games programming on Linux. All tutorials that I''ve seen involve mode 13h in DOS. Does anybody know of a "Hello World" type tutorial or anything for graphics/games in linux. Or even if there would be anybody who would be able to help guide me in the right direction. Because, as with everything, I have lots of questions to ask. Thanks for the help, -- Larkfellow
-- Never monkey with another monkey's monkey.
Try the Linux game writer''s page.

Basically you have the options (hard to easiest):

Use VGALIB (lame and not recommended).

Use Xlib (low-level and for diehards only).

Use glX and OpenGL, good for OpenGL games with
portability to glW (Windows).

Use SDL, way high-level, good training wheels
for newbies and great portability.

I personally use a combination of Xlib, glX and OpenGL.
E-mail me if you have specific questions.
Tara Milana - WP Entertainment graphics artist and programmer.
LearFox, Thanks for the linkage. This should be a good start for me. And best of all it''s C++ over C, which I have a better grasp of. And Thanks for the offer to e-mail you. I may just do that sometime(s). heh.

-- Larkfellow
-- Never monkey with another monkey's monkey.
Oh, and if you deside to try SDL, i suggest you drop by #sdl on while programming. They''re not the most talkitive bunch, but if you need help with something, you can almost always get it. I''ve learned quite a lot on that channel.

btw, just for completeness, if you like SDL, but you want something in C++ and you don''t want to write your own wrapper, then check out ClanLib. It''s slightly less mature and slightly less documented, but fully object oriented, and otherwise similar to SDL.

Anyway, good luck.


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