

Started by August 27, 2005 05:24 AM
4 comments, last by deonbotha 19 years, 5 months ago
Well I'm creating a bomberman clone in java and I've got to the point where I am implemening the computer player ai. The problem is I'm not sure what kind of ai to implement. This is pretty much my first game with ai, so where should I start? I'm not totally new to ai though as I did a module in it last semester. I implemented A*, Depth First Search, and Breadth First Search to solve an 8 puzzle problem. So if anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great!
-----------------[ serafin studios ]
With your knowlegde, i would start with a way finding algorihm for your ai,
next try with that an easy bomb laying algorithm and the move of your ai after that, than start to improve your bomb laying algorithm:
- like shortest path to known upgrades,
- determination of target points, your opponent might or even must pass...
In otherwords, simple rule based AI. Ie. a bunch of if statements that decide what should be done next coupled with variables representing the state of the AI agent.
Basically try to figure out how you'd play the game and write that into a program.
first thing i was going to do was get the ai to find the player. I was going to use an A* search, to get the ai as close to the player as possible without using a bomb.The A* search would only look at tiles reachable by the ai player, and for its heuristic function would determine how far each tile is from the player. This would take the ai to an explodeable brick tile which the ai will then plant a bomb at (and run away). This will simply repeat until the ai has reached the player. Very simple at the moment but I'll expand on it once I've done that, obviously allowing the ai to possibly know where powerups are etc. Would this be a good method to use?
-----------------[ serafin studios ]
Couldn't you just assign a higher movement cost to the destructable tiles?
wow thanks I didnt even think of that! awesome thanks, that helps alot :)
-----------------[ serafin studios ]

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