
My scrolling works

Started by December 08, 2000 01:37 PM
1 comment, last by caesarweb 24 years, 1 month ago
From the creating tile example I''ve given you, I can smooth scroll. I have one question though:Can you assign a backbuffer to a offscreenplain surface?
A young man with lots of talents
Hi there...
Hmm, i dont know if you can do so, but i am almost sure that you cant because a backbuffer is a part of a flipping chain and a offscreen plain buffer isnt''t.
I have never tried doing so because it doesnt make sense. There is no point in attaching a backbuffer to an offscreen surface.
If you try to call the Flip() function on a offscreen plain buffer you will get an error.


Real programmers don't document, if it was hard to write it should be hard to understand

You can use triple buffering if you want. It won''t change any of your code at all (DirectX keeps track of which buffer to blit). It will, however, increase your performace.


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