Quote:Original post by Trapper Zoid
Quote:Original post by Icefox Now, I do some karate, so let me draw on my experience from that. The two times when an enemy is most vulnerable is either when he's trying to block a feint (with your real attack coming from somewhere else), or right after they've tried to attack you.
This suggests to me a variant of the tried and true "scissors-paper-rock" gameplay mechanic. Blocking beats an attack, feinting beats a block, and attacking beats a feint. Now I'd probably make it a little more complex than that [smile], but this would at least be a bit more tactical than the pure attack combat mechanics which are present in most RPGs. |
I've got a few designs for RPG style combat that are more or less roughly based on 'rock-paper-siccors' or in more RPG terms 'STR-DEX-SKILL.' Like you said its a bit more complicated than that but not too much.
Basicly something like:
Blocking is Strength Based.
Dodging is Dexterity Based.
Parry/reposte is Skill Based.
Power Attacks are Strength Based
Quick Attacks are Dexterity Based
Precision attacks are Skill based.
SO basicly choosing an Attack Type or Defense Type is Choosing which character stat to use.
So when two opponents match up, depending on thier attack and defense choices, thier Stats match up and do the battling.
A simple version is something like
DEX DEF has better chance to beat STR ATT,
DEX ATT has better chance to bea STR DEF,
SKILL DEF has better chance to bea DEX ATT,
DEX ATT has equal chance to beat DEX DEF,
And then you can throw in some strategic design tweaks on How much fuel (energy/stamina) each Attack and Def uses.
And then you could tweak it more on how much Damage each attack type might do.
And then you could tweak it more on Side effects. Examples...
Power Attacks have chances to Stun.
Skill Attacks have chances to Bleed, or Disarm.
The idea would be to design a system were playing the game is much like playing rock-paper-siccors, where you watch your opponents patterns and try to adjust your own patterns.