
ncurses development

Started by June 24, 2005 03:59 PM
8 comments, last by tlpbsd 19 years, 1 month ago
So I've had a little free time at work these days, and with all this gamedev reading I thought I might put some of it into action... So I wrote tetris for AIX console using ncurses. Just to see if I could. Took about 4 hours, plus 2 more for reading up on ncurses. Ended up at 250-300 lines of code. Not too shabby if you ask me... I'm thinking I might try to do pong or breakout next. Maybe something a little harder. A text based 3d maze game? So my question is: Has anyone out there done similar game developement for systems such as AIX, HPUX, Sun, etc? Has anyone written any games using ncurses? What kind of games, etc. Thanks, Cloak
Emacs Lisp > Ncurses

Anyway, no I haven't written any games using ncurses, but I assume it wouldn't be hard. What language did you write it in, C?
nethack and the roguelike game use curses and ncurses AFAIK. It's a hack and slash kind of RPG.
-----------------------Happiness in slavery !-----------------------
Yeah I wrote it in straight C. Since thats the only compiler
thats available on this machine at work.

Did a 200 line minesweeper and a 300 line tic-tac-toe with
ai too :)

Anyways, I've played a little nethack, but Im guessing it
would take more time then I have at this point to write an

I was just looking for some pidly little games to write on
my lunch break and stuff..
the game with the serpent eating apple and growing bigger then ? :)
-----------------------Happiness in slavery !-----------------------
A text based 3d maze game.. now that would be cool. I haven't really done any development with ncurses myself other than real basics. Maybe one day I will do something cool, like a ascii raytracer or something.

I've recently come up with an idea for an ncurses Mario Brothers clone (you know, the game where the turtles/koopas come out of pipes).

I've drawn complete ASCII animations for both Mario, Super Mario, the Koopas, a crab, a health mushroom, and the complete level (the pipes/platforms/POW brick).

To test the idea, I created a brief animation to demonstrate what gameplay might look like, including the monsters walking, or squirming on their backs after being flipped over, Mario jumping/hitting the POW brick, etc. However, I have very little experience writing code, let alone ncurses code.

If anyone would like to help me out with this, let me know. The ASCII art, for the most part, is finished (and doesn't look bad!). I was inspired by an ncurses game called 'alienwave' that uses ASCII art for space ships/aliens.


Made a ncurses tic-tac-toe game a while ago but it was very scary and I never went back to using ncurses.
Well I gave up on the 3d maze.
Or put it on hold for now.

But, I just finished pac-man.

And I am currently working on a scorched earth / tankwars game.

Fun fun!

Anyways, tlp, I'd like to take a look at some of your ascii art if ya don't mind. Maybe something can be made...

I sent you a private message. Did you get it?

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