
[4E4] Are you competing?

Started by June 10, 2005 05:21 PM
84 comments, last by ToohrVyk 19 years, 3 months ago
Me and my 2 lackies will be entering as summer started 3 weeks ago, and we were looking for a summer project anyways. So, its straight coding all day everyday for us till our project is done.

Open Gl and FMOD for everything. All 4 elements will be included. A completely original soundtrack(as all 3 of us are musicians also). The rest is a secret till judgement day.
---------------Full Time Musician: Staggerin' Monks
Quote: Original post by MENTAL
Moe use Novodex - it's the same as being used in Unreal Engine 3 and it's free for non-commercial use. Just fill out the form (enter gibberish if you like) and a link will be sent to you with the download location,

Hey, thanks for the info. I had no idea that Unreal used Novodex...

Quote: Original post by _DarkWIng_
I might make something if I have some free time... I'll have to gamble the .NET 2.0 is released in time.

Gerne: No idea for now
Laguage/API: C# 2.0, OpenGL

Sorry Darkwing. Whidbey won't be out until the end of this year. And it could get delayed even then. But it shouldn't stop you. The beta is available freely.

You are a one programmer army. These folks are going to need to team up to best you.

Tgraupmann (looking for team).

Genre: Shogun/Tai Pan/Gai Jin -- I.e. Chinese/Japanese Anime 3D Struan's vs Brocks
Language/API: English, C# 1.1, Managed OpenGL


Opium smuggling, British trade. Ninja are ronin (outlaws trying to overthrow the existing goverment and return power to the emporer). Pirates were involved in the opium trade (Wu Kwok) and fought against the barbarians (Europeans). Zombies or undead are those who caught Malaria (which was not so widespread in Asia until the Europeans got there). And robots which could be the industrialization of asia (steam ships/cannon factories etc.)

~Just a thought();
*News is my new domain.
Yep...I’m competing! Classified information though.

3D Action Adventure
C++, DirectX, FMOD…
Maybe. My existing code base is a heightmap engine, some vehicle physics, DSound & DShow. I'm wondering how best to utilise this for the contest. I don't think a racing game can really be made to look like anything except a racing game hacked to contain the game elements!

OTOH I could probably use the heightmap engine for an RTS - either 3D or just a flat Warcraft2 style affair. I couldn't get Ninjas into an RTS design but got the others; it actually made for an interesting twist on the RTS genre but would possibly be a royal pain to tune the different sides' abilities.

And I'd have to get an artist or two... and learn some AI...
Considering past prizes, and the large number of sponsors this year, I think that everyone should put together an entry. My guess on prizes is that the top 10 will receive random apparel and books, and the top 3 will receive the big prizes from ATI, softImage, ionForge and the rest.

I have decided it would be best to focus on creating a substantial 2D entry, as opposed to creating a tacky 3D one. It will have realistic physics, impressive graphics for 2D, and will play like a 2D sidescroller. For those of us who chose zombies as one of our elements, our AI code will be easy to write [smile].
....[size="1"]Brent Gunning
I can't compete :)
Much to n00b are I.
If you gave a helpful reply, I rated you up.
I'm doing a Destruction Derby game where you choose to be either a ninja, pirate, zombie, or robot. Themed cars rock!

I am such a creative genius [lol]
The G'Bro GameDev Society! -The Southeastern US GameDev Gathering Group
That's my idea! ;)
I'm in. I'm doing a simple little 2D strategy game in SDL. I haven't figured out whether it will be turn-based or real-time yet, but I will. Only using 3 of the elements, can't work Ninjas into my design.

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