
[4E4] Are you competing?

Started by June 10, 2005 05:21 PM
84 comments, last by ToohrVyk 19 years, 3 months ago
Im in, depending on whether my rendering framework gets finished... I'm using .NET 1.1, MDX, ODE and FMOD as my libraries, the rest is my own stuff. I'm making a top down/third-person game where you control ships and have to conquer the enemy. Might end up turning into a small RTS, without making buildings - who knows.
Ollie "It is better to ask some of the questions than to know all the answers." ~ James Thurber[ mdxinfo | An iridescent tentacle | Game design patterns ]
I've got me some good ideas. If I can acquire a modeler, animator etc... then I shall make a 3D game. Else, I'll just make a 2D game.

I'll probably try to enter. I'm going to see if I can hook up with the same modeller who helped me out with the Brew contest. If he says yes, I'll go ahead and make something.

I'll be using Daedalus (which I'm still developing, so that's good). I'm going to see if I can add some technology I'm not familiar with as a learning exercise. I was thinking of using skeletal animation for the characters. I was hoping to be able to spend time on a terrain system, but if I go for my latest idea, that won't be necessary.

It'll feature all four elements :D
C nazi representing.
HxRender | Cornerstone SDL TutorialsCurrently picking on: Hedos, Programmer One
RTS, no details on style yet, probably something light and (an attempt to be) funny

OpenSteer (maybe)

Hope i'll be able to make something good :)
_____________________________Stephen EckenrodeProject Head / Lead Programmer<a href="> Centaur Force
Well I'm entering. This gives me a goal for making a game, which I havn't done for far too long (ment to be a game dever eh?)

Plus I've planned to do a demo for a job for so long, this would be that aswell, = more benefits.

I am using my own engine which is able to do nothing too interesting yet lol but I think it has all the basics needed so far (input, texturing, and eh some other stuff).

So I think while using this month to fully design the game I shall continue on making the engine better and then start prototyping next month (AHH why do I have exams).

This sounds like a lot of fun now, I don't expect to win easily but at the end I should have a cool game for people to play (if they want).

Oh it's an RTS, I think I can admit that since someone else already did.
And i'm doin all art myself too but I'm still gonna try and make it 3d.

Lots of hard work, great competition though.

Good luck to everyone and lets hope some great games/demo's come out of it.
Alot of people are doing top down space games lol...

I want to make everything simple but I really want to add in some ideas I been having about some of the stuff I learned in math modelling to make more dynamic enviroments.

I'm competing too, my game must be something simple, easy and funny.
For the graphics I'll use OpenGL and DevIL for image managing, and DirectInput for.. the inputs! About characters, audio and physics, I still don't know what to use, but I'll decide it soon!
If I get my game engine done in time (not very likely) I'll try to make a game with it. If I make a game it'll be a third-person "shooter"(not much shooting, but don't know what else to call it) where you play as one the four characters.
I'm not yet sure I'm going to participate. I would love to, but I might not be able to find the time (a fulltime job really takes a bite out your free time, I discovered).
My second problem involves the fact that I cannot seem to get a good idea that fits the theme. I'll might just end up creating a game, and incorporate the ninja's and pirates in some artificial (read: lame) manner. That way I won't win the contest, but at least I entered. Yay for the Olympic spirit!

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