
[4E4] Are you competing?

Started by June 10, 2005 05:21 PM
84 comments, last by ToohrVyk 19 years, 3 months ago
I am going to give it a go. Mainly in the form of a blocko man 3d fighter (with weapons) using directX.

It will invovle cyborgs, zombies, humans, commando missions and maybe even one or two nukes for good measure!

[Edited by - Aiursrage2k on June 11, 2005 8:29:08 PM]
Insufficent Information: we need more infromation
I think i'm going to participate in spirit.
Game Title: Legend of the Mystical Sausage starring Kielbasa... er... I mean Kobayashi.

Language: Either a game based form of Postscript (which I've named "Variables") if I can implement it quickly enough. Otherwise a quick demo version of Kid Radd Tubular engine written in C++ (which has yet to be written and will use libSDL).

Resolution: 240x160. While right now I do not plan to put it onto the GBA for this contest, I do plan to port it in the future. I think mode 5 or 6 has 240x160 for a resolution. This is meant for forward compadibility issues. I may have a full screen option.

Restrictions: General GBA restrictions. Correct me if I am wrong on any part here, but I am guess that sprites are limited to 16 colours (assumption made based on the ammount of SNES games getting ported to GBA).

Genre: Arcade game... perhaps it is best to view this story arc in the infamous webcomic Kid Radd. Yes, Kobayashi will be the enemy.

More information: The game will consist of 8 levels, 1 intro and nine plot points.

I tell the plot in the first post on this page (should give the 29th post in the thread).

The biggest problem I foresee is doing all the art. I've got four months to code it, so if I start now, I can atleast hope to get something semi decent out. Again the plot requires all sorts of pixelated art. But the resolution I am basing it around is 240x160... so it shouldn't be too hard.

[Edited by - DakeDesu on June 11, 2005 9:07:52 PM]
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Come on, everyone should get in on this.

But yeah, with any luck I will be, with pi=3 actually doing the whole leading of the project thing... woo!
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
I will be entering - isometric RTS game developed in Delphi (maybe freepascal) using SDL and OpenGL.

I have a progress thread open on if anyone wants to see exactly how I develop the game. Each time I make significant changes tot the engine and or game I post the updated version onto the thread along with a screen shot and a source download link.
Cibressus and I are working on a game using C#, SDL.NET, and LUA. We're going to try and keep quiet about the gameplay and stuff until we have something to show.
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects] [Contact]
I might participate with an old-school arcade-action-adventure-thingy, if GBA entries are allowed.

Here is a litle pixelpushing on the theme.
Image hosted by
I'll be competing with a DirectX 9 C++ zombie/pirate/robot/Ninja.... well.... erm, I'd love to share my idea, but I actually think it's part of what will hopefully make it so good. Lets just say I was originally planning to go for bomberman and have now decided on a slight variation on the theme of bomberman which will hopefully be a blast to play :).

Suffice it to also say that I have a pretty good twist in mind for the robots ;)

Ermm, well sorry to be so cryptic, but hopefully by October all will be revealed!


Cheers,SteveLiquidigital Online
Hopefully I'll have something to enter :)

C++/OpenGL. Doubtful whether or not I'll be able to fit robots into it but definately ninjas and pirates (they're the coolest) and probably zombies.
Me and a couple of friends are entering.

We pretty much know what we are going to do, but I'm keeping it a secret until it's final.

Also: C++/DX, all four elements will be included.

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