
[4e4]Annoying contest content...

Started by June 08, 2005 02:08 AM
30 comments, last by mikeman 19 years, 3 months ago
I'm a bit put off by the subject matter to be honest. All the 4 elements would require animation if I implemented them in a literal way in 3D, which is a big chunk of work and art. I guess I'll have to think a little more creatively/laterally but I don't know how these contests turn out - would a 2D side-scrolling game have any chance for instance or are the winners always fancy/modern 3D games? I don't really want to stretch things too far because I don't know how the judges would view that. One idea might me a space-fighting game (like Conflict:Freespace) where the 3 'sides' are: Space-Pirates, Space-Ninjas, AI ships... Or you could set it on a world where the life-dorms don't have limbs - that makes animation easier!! Anyone know from experience how much you can twist the subject and not get penalised for it?
Well for starters you don't have to do it on your own, you could find yourself an artist. Having said that, I'm considering putting something together on my own and for that reason precisely I'm contemplating various mechanics for a 2D platformer style of play. Now, I can't speak for the judges but I'm willing to bet they appreciate the value of a game for it's gameplay just as much as any technical brilliance. And besides, there's nothing to stop you adding some real pazzazz to a 2D platformer.

And you can view previous contest info (including entries)here
Mine will be 2d, so I certainly hope that will have a chance. [wink]

It had occured to me that it might be easier on an artist to create zombies and certain designs of robot than either ninjas or pirates, as the former two potentially require less (or simpler) animation - this was thinking about sprite animation though, and probably doesn't apply as much for 3d.

- Jason Astle-Adams

I'm hopping on the 2D bandwagon. Damn, and I thought I was going to be all funky and original!
Quote: Original post by baldurk
I'm hopping on the 2D bandwagon. Damn, and I thought I was going to be all funky and original!

Guess I'll have to make mine 2.1 D
i am thinking of 3d but will have to wait untill the prototype turns out.
Considering the constest lasts 5 whole months, and how many hours per day some students/layabouts can put in, I'd expect to see some pretty feature-complete 3D effort. There's no way most of us can compete with that amount of time spent, maybe us professional programmers will have to hope that the people at home all day are there because their skills aren't as good?!!

I remember looking at some entries for 4E3 2 years ago and being very impressed. In theory I can now actually take part in the contest but that's about it I think.

Does any judge care to comment on how a fully-finsihed, very playable, very fun small game (akin to Tetris etc in scope) would compare to someone hacking their huge monolithic 3D engine to have some zombie characters?
Quote: Original post by d000hg
Does any judge care to comment on how a fully-finsihed, very playable, very fun small game (akin to Tetris etc in scope) would compare to someone hacking their huge monolithic 3D engine to have some zombie characters?

To be honest, if you look at the categories, it should be obvious:
Technical: Stability, Use of Technology, Speed
Creativity: Game Design, Artwork, Technical methods
Fun: The Hook Factor, Gameplay Quality
Polish: Presentation, Installation

Nothing in any of that really puts 2D games at a disadvantage - you can still score highly in Use of Technology and Technical Methods by being good at the 2D stuff you use, and using technology (e.g. existing libraries) efficiently and effectively. Pick the system that best fits your game; forcing a 2D game into 3D will be just as likely to damage its score as improve it.

I think you might be overestimating the level of difference between a 2D and 3D game, though. You've got several months, and you can bring other people in to help you. Simple skeleton animation isn't that hard with tools like Milkshape around; file formats for 3D worlds are available (e.g. Q3 BSP). Work incrementally, so that if you run out of time, what you have may not feel finished but one can at least see what you were trying to do.

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

Quote: Original post by superpig
I think you might be overestimating the level of difference between a 2D and 3D game, though. You've got several months, and you can bring other people in to help you. Simple skeleton animation isn't that hard with tools like Milkshape around; file formats for 3D worlds are available (e.g. Q3 BSP). Work incrementally, so that if you run out of time, what you have may not feel finished but one can at least see what you were trying to do.

Our last entry was a 3D RPG, basically, but we had to turn it in far before it was finished. As a result, while the game was kinda cool, we couldn't even get excited enough about it to fully test even one of the four levels. That is, there was no plot, it took forever to get anywhere in the huge levels, etc. But still, the judges could see that what we had was decent, and we included in the readme the elements that got cut out due to time (for example, the entire plot).

Anyways, MindWipe's suxxor didn't do too badly last time, and I'm sure you could make a more in-depth 2D game than that.
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
I was wondering about this too, but since this is my first contest as well as the my first attempt at a game, I might as well try.

The experience and the exchange of names/ideas is well worth the attempted effort, even if one does not win any prizes at all.

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