Original post by _Sigma I have broadband, so downloading is not a problem for me. Atm, i am downloading Slax, Mandrake 10.1 Official, Mandriva LE (it says only for members, but I found it on some FTP listed on their site (not warez) so will i be able to use it?), and KNOPPIX 3.7 EN. So I will load up the two live cds, see what its like, and then perhaps find a HDD to put Mandriva on. Is it a wise idea to make a seperate partion on my 2nd HDD to put Mandrake/rivia on?
Theres actually 2 versions more since knoppix 3.7...
Well, as of the time i'm posting this, i'm running Slax of a live CD, and using Konquere or w/e to post this. LOL. Linux is forsure kinda strange, buts its pretty slick!
//edit. Will a live CD boot on a MAC machine and 2, what is the linky for the best c++ compiler?
As there have been loads of replies about what specific distros you could try, here's just a general bit of advice: If you're trying Linux out for the first time, make sure you don't have any data on your PC that you'd be sorry to lose.
The safest way to do this would be to have a PC or Laptop around that you don't mind wiping completely and just do a clean install of Linux. Unless you want to start off the complicated way (as probably many of us have...) and try to set up a dual-boot config. Although I believe this has become quite easy with some distros now.
In any case, make sure you're not risking any important data without backing it up first. Good luck!
Wow, I have to say, thanks everyoone. One last quick question, well actually a couple of quick questions: 1) How do i set the Live CDs to work with a USB flash driver? 2) What is the difference b/w Mandrake 10.1 Official and Mandriva 2005 LE?
Original post by _Sigma Wow, I have to say, thanks everyoone. One last quick question, well actually a couple of quick questions: 1) How do i set the Live CDs to work with a USB flash driver? 2) What is the difference b/w Mandrake 10.1 Official and Mandriva 2005 LE?
When I feel the need to build a linux box, I use debian and usually gnome+metacity, although I always try out the latest build of kde just to see how it's coming along.
Original post by _Sigma Wow, I have to say, thanks everyoone. One last quick question, well actually a couple of quick questions: 1) How do i set the Live CDs to work with a USB flash driver? 2) What is the difference b/w Mandrake 10.1 Official and Mandriva 2005 LE?
Another vote for Gentoo here - it teaches you alot of things while installing it - has a great community, and has an awesome package management system that takes away many dependancy problems I personally experienced with Fedora Core and Mandrake. It also gives you the "pure" experience... it doesn't mess with KDE and Gnome like other distros do.
Though linux flavour is a very personal choice - Gentoo def is my favourite so far though.
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