
Recources Please.

Started by November 14, 2000 04:52 AM
1 comment, last by HAM 24 years, 1 month ago
Hello, I''m looking for some rudementary resources on vectors. Does anyone know where an online recource for basic and advanced math functions could be found. Like how to determine where two vectors intersect. Or how to determine where to spheres moving across two vectors intersect in space in time. Things like this. It would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Bout two vectors, that´s easy. Just name all the four ends. Let´s get some thing like two lines, A-B and C-D. Then, test the distence between A and C, A and, D, B and C, B and D. You need it all ´cos sometimes you maybe don´t what´s the first pointer in the 0,0-endx,endy order. Then, if all the distances are > 0 or all are < 0, the lines are not colliding, other way, they are, obviously. But about the line against sphere, I´m still looking for it.

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Well thank you for the reply.

However that is not quite what I was looking for.

Im looking for some online resources, for all sorts of math problems and function.

there are about 10000 diferent ways to test if a line is colliding with another line.

So far I Have found acceptable ways to determine if line collide with other lines, lines collide with spheres.

I Have not found a good way to get the exact x,y,z cooridinates where they collide together.

As well once it becomes 4D with TIME, all of my algorythims begin to get hazy.

All I really would like to know rigth now is how to determine the exact x,y,z and t of two spheres traveling along vectors.

But I would really like to find an online resource for the types of problems.

There has to be a web page that is just a huge collection of the often repeated questions.


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