I think this is implementable. Finding rocks may be kind of dull. So maybe engineers can fix the rocks to make them explode. It is a funny concept because it means that you can't use the trebuchets in the middle of a desert without bringing your own rocks.
This topic is related to logistics, and how far we want to do it. For example, archers should run out of arrows, but how do we implement them?
- Siege weapons move as NPCs on a path set by commanders, so that they can be spotted and be ambushed
- Supply carts move the same way as siege weapons.
I think there should be archers. And archers should be strong damage dealers. The weakness of archers is that they need a supply of arrows, and that supply may run out if they are isolated. (Archers can melee too, they are not total melee wimps. Think of them more like samurai, that can be both archers or melee depending on how far the enemies are. At the same time there can be light armored archers, corresponding to those trading armor weight for arrow weight.) Because of the need for supplies, archers probably favor fighting with the large Flags where supplies are more dependable. The same probably go for cavalries. This gives more reason why the characters will fight together or at the proximity.
For this system, there is nothing preventing a newbie trying to spy in enemy territory. But due to the death system, a newbie is prevented from repeatedly doing it. So, there may be a horde load of spies trying to complete a mission, most of them will get caught and die, only the smarter ones will survive and advance. Low level spies can advance by spying easier targets and murdering easier targets. Note that death by assassination is not a normal death, even if you are assassinated in allied territory, there should still be a heavy penalty to revive you. The form of penalty is undefined. Maybe a some counterdown timer before you can be revived (The timer will be in units of real life hours or even days). I agree that most player playing spy-type characters probably don't want to team up just to level up. The original idea allows the Spies to level up and advance in ranks by solo missions. Spies as commander have additional tactical value because they can sneak troops across enemies lines. Grouped special assassination missions are also encouraged. (Spies can team up with Spies, or Stealth units with different specializations, Stealth+Engineering characters are practically the stealth bombers.)
The odds are there is never enough healers. Newbies are going to flood the screen shouting, "Someone please res me at (x,y)", hopefully the need will make more players play healers. Healers are probably the easiest to advance in ranks. Since they can still lead Flags in instance battles, and during battles, they logically stay in the back. The weakness is that they are the easiest target for assasination. (Note that if your rank advance really fast, your level may not keep up. So if you are a healer, it is possible that your rank and level become disproportional, which makes you more vulnerable than any other type of commanders)
Suicidal attacks commissioned by a Flag should allow both the Flag and the individual to gain rank points. So if the Flag is desperate to advance to get a new buff to fight against the intruders, suicidal attacks make a lot of sense. I am not sure what kind of reward will be meaningful. Is giving the Flag rank points enough reward? If the event is significant, I would expect the event be noted in logs and forums. Maybe the Flag commander will be responsible for giving medals. If all the attempts were futile it probably won't make much difference in any way, but if the event is significant, the sacrificer will eventual get res'ed, with an increased rank.
yes, there was a misunderstanding. Because you can see already see Flags on the Generals map, we actually don't need to do anything more to define the front lines (Note the front line won't be continuous, just like battle maps in real life. The natural distribution of the flags should show the frontline.
Suppose you are a rank 6 commander, and under your flag there are 4 rank 4 sub commands, then it would be reasonable that the rank 6 teleport flag is set further behind, while the rank 4s set their teleport flags more near the front. So on the battle map you will still see a rough outline of the frontline.
The commanders can always charge. The actual effect is that there is probably a slight surplus of commanders (so if you die, there is still a back up). So, charge all you want, go to the front and kill people, feel your youth. The implementation and motivation can come from the command abilities such as:
Battle Valor: This is an attack buff for melees where the melee attack damage under the flag (except the commander himself) is increased based on the number of melee kills made by the commander.
I think that mission creation should be rather dynamic, so that a commander really only create missions for himself instead of missions for everyone. There is probably no a single headcommand, because on one hand a high commander is a leader, on the other hand it is a leader only because of the good faith of the people. So the commander and the subordinates are still fighting together. The rank points for a commander to advance is exponential. The only reason that a commander can advance is because the supporters want the commander to advance.
I think they can be seized. Battle camps may store supplies and allow characters in the vincinity to recover stamina faster. Watch tower maybe useful. One of the related question is how do the players get money, and whether money is meaningful in the context.
I don't see this problem. The players will rise in ranks, some faster some slower, at some point the players need to group up, which gives opportunity for further advancement.
Artifacts only have local effects, and they can be stolen. Artifacts are initially in neutral hostile areas. Players need to team up to conquer it to claim the artifacts. But before attacking, the players won't know what artifact the location is holding until a spy goes in and take a look. For course you can just go in and fight through it, but you might lose an opportunity to claim an equally close artifact that might be more important.
Some words on how the map is initially divide: When the war begins, the map is not divide left and right. The map will be like a checker board. The players will decide what locations to strengthen and possibly what locations to give up. During this conflict, some areas will be more successful and evolve to be the captial, and at the same time characters will rise in rank through the uncoordinated skirmishes. Since areas are not divided left and right, it makes room for stealthy movements and supplies.
What I meant by OPPORTUNITY to push forth after a victory: After a victory, the men on your side are readily revived (although weakened), but the dead enemies are not (since they died in your territory), therefore it creates a temporarily shortage of enemy defenders. So if you have enough men you will push forward. And take out the undefended stuffs. This is only an opportunity because the stamina of your men had already been worn by a battle, so if the second attack is unsuccessful, your men may have already used up all the stamina, and they may get slaughtered while retreating. This is why even if you out number the enemy, you don't all fight at the same battle, it would just use up the stamina of the Flag. Some Flags should deliberately don't fight to take advantage of the opportunities afterward. So one flag will fight the first town, and rest, while the second flag continue the assault.
Quote:The only downside to this is that it still sounds too random for your average gamer. i am not sure many customers would apply for a war where the conditions of victory are not clearly drawn in advance, nor static. |
This is what I was thinking while reading the magical dungeons and stuff. In general the game tries to focus more on strategy and the cooperative execution of strategies.
There is an issue where an army is attacking a populated city, but the defenders are ofline. The solution is to allow a proportion of NPCs to enter the instance battles on behave of the defenders. This prevents the attackers from completely taking advantage of the timezone. but since those NPCs represent actuall PCs, if the town get overrun, the corresponding PCs will be dead. (They won't be just refugees, they will be dead, as if they fought and died). It might be a shock, but think about it this way: The attackers did kill all the NPCs, this means even if you were online, you would probably have died anyway. This implementation aims to prevent the abuse where the defenders intentionally logout so that the attackers will get weared down by the NPCs, and log back in to counter attack them.
There is now a more reasonable document for the discussion: (See original post)
[Edited by - Estok on April 22, 2005 4:42:11 AM]