
What was your first game?

Started by November 12, 2000 09:14 PM
23 comments, last by Xain 24 years, 3 months ago
I did a tetris game in Darkbasic when I was 12 when it was first out

In C++ it would have been a Skool Daze Clone which I helped on called Klass of 99 me and Richard Johnson but I didn''t help too much

P.S Xain did you use to use Dark Basic do you remember"PEADAR"


Apocalypse Now! Software
Games so good we''ll go to hell for it
I programmed my first game in GWBASIC in 1987.

It was a simple adventure game with ascii graphics. I just used the PRINT command to display all the characters on the screen.
The main character looked something like this:

* X X *
* *
/ l \
/ \
_/ \_

.... memories...

Obviously the spacing on that last post didn''t work out. It looks like the guy got hit with a truck. But I don''t feel like reposting, so you''ll have to use your imagination
I remember that I was obsessed with this game... I can't remember what it was called... You are running around on two screens with a guard after you. What you had to do was to pick up sacks of gold in a mine, avoid being caught by the guard, put the gold into a trolley and go back into the mine to get more gold. Please help me! I forgot the name of the game! Was released first on arcade then on commodore 64, Amstrad...1985?

I wanted to make a similar game back in 1988, with some psudo-3d-graphics. Was done in good ol' basic with some machine-code here and there. It worked, but far to slow. I am not a coder-type, but the graphics and UI looked fine. Probably would made some money if I had sold it(?!) Released it through warez channels the same year. Contact me if you need some graphics. Really want to consider serious projects.


-- Yes, it is called Baggitman.

Edited by - gocontact on November 15, 2000 9:38:35 PM
Baggitman perhaps?
My first game was a text-based basketball game. It was like:
You are 45 feet from the basket. You have 49 seconds left. Would you like to
1) Charge the basket
2) Shoot
3) Pass
Two defenders block the way at 29 feet from the basket. You have 45 seconds left . . .

I was 10 at the time so it was pretty cool.

My first graphical game was Pong which I wrote in a day after I downloaded DJGPP and Allegro. Darn Borland compiler, never could figure it out.

Think outside the dodecahedron
Several billion trillion tons of superhot exploding hydrogen nuclei rose slowly above the horizon and managed to look small, cold and slightly damp.-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
My first actual game that i did ever was hangman in ASCII. It was about 2 years ago, shortly followed by an ASCII tic-tac-toe. But i wouldnt really consider those computer games because you can play them with paper and a pencil. So, my first game has been "finished" about 2 weeks ago(after a long programming break), its a nibbles clone in directx. It actually works perfectly.

Text Based Adventure, in BASIC... A lot of fun...

-Chris Bennett of Dwarfsoft - Site:"The Philosophers'' Stone of Programming Alchemy" - IOL
The future of RPGs - Thanks to all the goblins over in our little Game Design Corner niche
Original post by Forneiq

My first game was a text-based basketball game. It was like:
You are 45 feet from the basket. You have 49 seconds left. Would you like to
1) Charge the basket
2) Shoot
3) Pass
Two defenders block the way at 29 feet from the basket. You have 45 seconds left . . .

I was 10 at the time so it was pretty cool.

LOL! Yes, my text-based fighting game was exactly like this!!!

Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
The first real game I made was a dart board game, then I made a shooting gallery, and then a 2D side scrolling jet shooter.

Rastagon 2 Engine

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