
best program to create webpage

Started by November 07, 2000 08:10 AM
32 comments, last by BuruhBinaan 24 years, 1 month ago
Metapad is indeed _much_ better than Notepad (I''ve been using it since ''99), but it''s not good for coding. You want something with color coding when you program Something like UltraEdit or Editor 99 (or vim if you feel like spending the next couple of weeks learning it, :wq ).
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" - Larry Wall
I''d stay away from front page as well (proprietary M$ crao)

I''m surprized no one''s mentioned DreamWeaver, if I were going to subject myself to html, that''s the program I;d use.
- The trade-off between price and quality does not exist in Japan. Rather, the idea that high quality brings on cost reduction is widely accepted.-- Tajima & Matsubara
Editplus, I use it for my Perl scripts, but it also has good HTML syntax highlighting/other stuff. In fact, it can syntax highlight anything you make a template for.

Just check out the website, its shareware. It allows for a browser window to be opened in it, for easy debugging, its great for projects, and its about 1000x better than notepad, although its not WYSIWYG(but who says thats a bad thing).


A wise man once said "A person with half a clue is more dangerous than a person with or without one."

The Micro$haft BSOD T-Shirt

Edited by - ImmaGNUman on November 11, 2000 3:38:42 PM
-----------------------------A wise man once said "A person with half a clue is more dangerous than a person with or without one."The Micro$haft BSOD T-Shirt
Ultra-Edit is good, its the only thing my friend will use, but I use TextPad. It has syntax colouring, and also has alot of HTML tags on a side bar that you can insert and it puts the cursor in the right spot.
Im writing a shopping cart application in it right now.

Now if only there was something to debug java-script. I have the M$ JS debugger, but if it works in IE, It's bound not to work in Netscape!

Edited by - Big B on November 11, 2000 4:50:36 PM
Textpad... Very powerful, easy to use, etc...
Notepad, all the way. I just like the feeling of churning out clean, crisp code that''s easily understandable. Besides, the only thing WYSIWYG ediors are good for is wasting space.

WhoopA, the Official Kicker of Butts

--- With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy.
Everywhere I look, I see rabbits. Maybe I should take down all my Sailor Moon stuff.
WhoopA, the Official Kicker of Butts--- Where have I been all these years?
I use HomeSite. Apparently it''s gone through a bunch of different versions and is now a commercial, full-featured program... but I''ve got version 1.1, which was freeware. The only ''features'' I need are a file listing on the left side of the screen, and syntax coloring. If you can find v1.1 on the web somewhere, give it a try.

 Aeon Software

Next thing you know, they''ll take my thoughts away.
"Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons!"
I use MSVC++ 6.0, mainly because I was already familiar with the program when I started with HTML. It knows the HTML syntax (but not java-script), and I like the text editing features of MSVC, particularly the search form in the toolbar, and the way you can highlight rectangular blocks of text.

When some of you guys are saying "Notepad", that''s just kinda a generic term for some text editor that''s not WYSIWYG, right? I mean, MS Notepad, as a text editor, is very limited (you can''t even open multiple docs).
quote: Original post by Ironblayde

I use HomeSite. Apparently it''s gone through a bunch of different versions and is now a commercial, full-featured program... but I''ve got version 1.1, which was freeware. The only ''features'' I need are a file listing on the left side of the screen, and syntax coloring. If you can find v1.1 on the web somewhere, give it a try.

 Aeon Software

Next thing you know, they''ll take my thoughts away.

Actually, I''ve been able to find v 2.0 on the web. And that was free also I think.
Just go to and do an FTP search for homesite.exe
Look for ones with file dates from around about hmmm....... 96 or 97.
Also, as I said. 1st Page 2000 is freeware and is a LOT like Homesite 4.0.
They are even getting ready to release a new version. Check

It''s Da BOMB Baby!!!
BeSIt's Da BOMB Baby!!!. o O ~ A little nonsense now and then,is relished by the wisest men~ O o .-- Willy Wonka
I use Frontpage 2000. The Frontpage server extensions are nice, make it real simple to post an entire website to a server (if the server has the extensions, otherwise I use FTP.)

Main reason I like it is I want to hammer out a web page in as short a time as possible, and I really don''t care about the underlying HTML. I''d rather spend my time in other areas.

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