
.so Files

Started by November 02, 2000 10:21 PM
2 comments, last by Zephyre 23 years, 10 months ago
Does anyone have the code to load .so files dynamically at run time for program use (IE load a compiled library with dynamic code for use in the main program)? If someone could provide this information it would be "super".
============================ Trevor "Zephyre" Barnett
There was a thread about this not too long ago. Try doing a search (hopefully the search is working now ).
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" - Larry Wall
I should point out that normally .so files are not normally
loaded by code but rather just linked to a compile time.

Using code to load libraries and resolve symbols are
usually intended to be plugins. For that look at
`man dlopen'' to get you started.

I just wanted to point this out incase you are just
wanting to link to shared libraries, all you need to
do is:

cc -l mysource.c -o myprogram

Where is the name of the library''s postfix
name. For instance (the math library) you
would use -lm, and for you would use -lY2.
Tara Milana - WP Entertainment graphics artist and programmer.
I want to load libararies at run time, so dlopen is what I want. Im well aware of compiled libraries, thanks anyway for the suggestion. Thanks again for the man page.
============================ Trevor "Zephyre" Barnett

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