Original post by coreman2200
... But come on, isn't the goal to attain full realism in games? ...
It is a very common misconception among inexperienced game designers that the level of entertainment in a game is proportional to the realism. This is not the case.
You have to look at each game and find a balance between realism and imagination.
For example in an RTS, if the computer plays flawlessly the game won't be very fun because you will be beaten all the time. You'll have to balance the difficulty some way, for example by simulating reaction time, mouse movement speed and field of view for the computer, plus allowing the computer to make bad decisions sometimes. If such cases were to be included in a standardized AI-package along with all the realistic and "intelligent" behaviours, such a package would become infinitely huge to make.
In the design phase of a game the designers must take into account all the parameters that affect the difficulty level of the game and balance them. During this they (at least this is how we work) precisely define how the AI should make decisions in all known situations. Once all this is defined in detail, and it has to be done to get the difficulty balanced right, the implementations of the AI in code is quite a simple task.
What I mean to say is that there are to many special cases of AI that can't realistically be covered in a standard AI system, so developers will end up writing their own specific AI anyway.