It seems to me that all my posts lately have been something vs something else... Anyway, I have decided I want to work on a tile basted RTS game. I have a simple (one layer and growing...) tile engine for the map. This post may be a little ahead of myself, but what the heck.
Should I have everything in my game be viewed top down (100% straight down... you can''t see the sides of anything) which is really easy (no need for multiple images for each direction... DD can rotate a single image) or should I go with somewhat-isometric images like in Warcraft II? The WII images would look better, but I am a really lousy animate object drawer (I am good at landscapes, trees, buildings, etc... really bad at animals/people). I don''t think I could draw all the units facing every direction, in every animation sequence... So I am leaning towards flat... any suggestions?
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