ok i''m sorry, it just happens sometimes a guy posts a post like "i''ve no buyed vc++, how can i make my game? its a rpg-game, faster running than q3, more characters than ff6 and with the best controls ever..
btw, how can i move a character?
btw, how can i draw onto the screen?
like this
and, modelloading is an often asked theme. I think .3ds is fast to load(just the model, btw), the rest could you do yourself, for example in a textfile
dont try to load and use "complete models", like the q3 q2 or or or.. are, cause then you dont understand them, and how they are working. dont be to fast, that couldnt be so good
btw, my vc++ compiler is now.. 5month old, so i''m not an old bunny
and, sorry for the idiot...
it could be that the source would be released sometimes, but not, when the game is the only one to buy from the firm
would you give your game source for free, when you want to sell the game same time?