
Lets talk stats and probability(RPG)...

Started by October 25, 2000 05:55 PM
4 comments, last by Necromancer 24 years, 2 months ago
(I''ll keep this short... ) I''v been brain storming for the best whay to utalise probability and stats in an RPG Of corse it can be done in many whays but How is the question... For example: the system of damage and manuverability, you must give a chance of the character''s ToHit(AGILITY) vs. the defending character''s ToDodge(AGILITY also) but also alow for a probability of dodge(or miss if you prefer) even if the charicter''s ToHit is grater that the enemy''s ToDodge... A similar sistem should work for damage too ... damage=(Attackers.Strengh - Defenders.Defence) (made positive) * (random damage); Or something like that ... So tell me what you think and what kinds of systems you use in your RPG type games... FEED THE CODE...! Keep conjuring the undead, my friends...
Keep conjuring the undead, my friends...
well you could do something like take the attacker''s power and add a number between one and twenty and then subtract the defender''s defense value.
quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster

well you could do something like take the attacker''s power and add a number between one and twenty and then subtract the defender''s defense value.

I believe they call that AD&D.

You have to have a random element as far as a computer game goes. You can''t say "he will always hit him" because it ain''t so. He might hit him 9/10 times, but he will miss once. So what you should do is find a way to relate the two to a percentile chance to hit.. and then get a random percentage roll, and see if he hits or not. Plain and simple, that''s the easiest way to do it.

tell me what you think of this system....

the attacker''s AGI is multiplied by 2 and rand();
then the defeders AGI is rand();
if the attacker''s AGI is higher than the defender''s AGI = "hit";
else = "miss";

and damage could be done in a similar matter....
this whay its a range of rand() number''s with a higher probability to hit baised on the attacker and the one with higher
what do you think...

Keep conjuring the undead, my friends...
Keep conjuring the undead, my friends...
no that isn''t D&D, I think it is more like ars magica (which I''ve never played so I could be wrong), of course the new edition of D&D is designed by the guy who made ars magica, so things are starting to blur. But the simple system I presented does allow you do miss if the defense is higher.
Actually, it is not necessary to have randomness in combat.
True, you can''t /always/ hit people, but there are other ways than random numbers. Maybe a numerical system where many things are taken into account at once to determine whether you hit or not. Probably based on something which would vary quite a bit.

Just because random numbers are the easiest way to go doesn''t mean they are necessary.

Think outside the octahedron.

I am so glad that Landfish is finally getting the respect he deserves.
Several billion trillion tons of superhot exploding hydrogen nuclei rose slowly above the horizon and managed to look small, cold and slightly damp.-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

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