A* Diablo type movement
I want to implement Diablo type movement in my game, where you click and the character goes there around obstacles. The only problem is I really have no idea how to implement it, I understand the theroy I just need to see some code, preferably in C++ are there any examples or open source projects on the web you could link me to?
I think A* pathfinding would do what you want. I would take a look at: http://www.policyalmanac.org/games/aStarTutorial.htm for a basic tutorial on the subject.
[edit] here's a link to some A* code w/ an explanation: http://www.generation5.org/content/2000/cpathfinder.asp[/edit]
[edit] here's a link to some A* code w/ an explanation: http://www.generation5.org/content/2000/cpathfinder.asp[/edit]
Links for the lazy of heart.
Origional link
Ai depot's Pathfinding tutorial
Gamasutra Article on pathfinding
Game AI resorces on pathfinding
AI guru's guide to pathfinding
A very nice guide to pathing algos, a very good read
Hope this helps, and i hope you enjoy reading :=)
Nice coder
Origional link
Ai depot's Pathfinding tutorial
Gamasutra Article on pathfinding
Game AI resorces on pathfinding
AI guru's guide to pathfinding
A very nice guide to pathing algos, a very good read
Hope this helps, and i hope you enjoy reading :=)
Nice coder
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