A few suggestions:
The creators of SDL went through a lot of trouble to keep SDL as cross platform as possible. If at all possible you should try to use the variable types as they have defined them in order to keep this cross platform portability (i.e. Sint32 instead of int).
Check out the getpixel and putpixel functions as they appear in the SDL documentation. They handle the pixels no matter the bit depth of the surface. You can use the SDL_MapRGB and SDL_GetRGB functions to make sure you convert the pixels to the correct format.
Another helpful hint is that doing pixel manipulation on a hardware surface is extremely slow. What I would recomend doing is creating the new surface in software, copying the screen to the new surface with a SDL_BlitSurface call and doing your pixel manipulation there, then copying the whole thing at once back to the original.
Also, adding weight to the RGB compnents of a pixel is a good idea no matter what format it is in. I highly recomend using the information I provided in my last post to get a more accurate greyscale image.
Desaturation in SDL
Thanks Guys, Here is the Source for it, if anyone wants to use it.
SDL_Surface *Desaturate(SDL_Surface *orig){ // The Desaturated Image memory location SDL_Surface *newScr; // Create a new Surface newScr = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_HWSURFACE, orig->w, orig->h, 32, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask); SDL_BlitSurface(orig, NULL, newScr, NULL); // Desaturate the new Image for (int x = 0; x < newScr->w; ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < newScr->h; ++y) { // Locks the Surface for pixel Manipulation if (SDL_LockSurface(newScr) < 0) { // ERROR return NULL; } // Read the pixel information for the current image Uint32 color = GetPixel(newScr, x, y); // Takes the Blue Channel float b = color & 0xFF; color = color >> 8; // Takes the green Channel float g = color & 0xFF; color = color >> 8; // Takes the Red Channel float r = color & 0xFF; // Take the average of the three channels int brightness = (r + g + b) / 3; // Desaturation of the current pixel and write it to image color = brightness | (brightness << 8) | (brightness << 16); // This adds the Alhpa Channel Because Its the way PNG files are stored color += 4278190080; // Write the Color Information to the Surface PutPixel(newScr, x, y, color); SDL_UnlockSurface(newScr); } } // Update the newly created Surface SDL_UpdateRect(newScr, 0, 0, newScr->w, newScr->h); // Delete the original Surface SDL_FreeSurface(orig); return newScr;}
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