SDL_BlitSurface(orig, NULL, newScr, NULL);
Desaturation in SDL
Thats one of the first things I tried, It didnt work. I stuck a break point before that line and i stepped through it in visual studio and the values in newScr do not change to the values that are being passed into the blit function in the orig variable. Im stumped
I thought you are required to lock a screen before you are allowed to do pixel manipulation to it.
Original post by Think128
I thought you are required to lock a screen before you are allowed to do pixel manipulation to it.
No - in Windowed mode you can usually get away with it, but if you go fullscreen you'll tend to get 'Memory could not be "read"' type errors. You should, therefore lock a surface (but it will still work sometimes if you don't).
[Website] [+++ Divide By Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot +++]
Original post by Mastadex
SDL_Surface *Desaturate(SDL_Surface *orig)
// The Desaturated Image memory location
SDL_Surface *newScr;
newScr = new SDL_Surface;
As far as I know this will not produce a working SDL_surface. You need to use SDL_CreateRGB or SDL_CreateRGBA and basicly just create a new surface the same size as the original otherwise your new surface has no size or surface format.
Oh man I didn't even see that yeah the above poster is right that is a big booboo. . .
Ok thats good to know, although i used the new keyword before and it worked fine.
Original post by Mastadex
Ok thats good to know, although i used the new keyword before and it worked fine.
That seems pretty much impossible since using new to create a valid memory space for an SDL_surface struct does not specify the size or bit depth of the surface which are needed to create the actual surface bits that get manipulated by the SDL_BlitSurface function. I imagine you could do all this by hand after calling the new operator but that is what CreateRGBSurface is for.
On a more helpful note regarding the original question I looked into converting RGB values to greyscale and giving "weight" to each r, g, and b value to come up with a way to get a more accurate greyscale image than the average of the 3 values because that will give you the same grey value for too many rgb colors. Here is what I found:
weight of each rgb value:
red = 0.299
green = 0.587
blue = 0.114
to solve for a grey value (grey) from rgb value (pixel):
(note: pixel values should be floats for this conversion to be more accurate)
grey = (pixel.r*0.299f)+(pixel.g*0.587f)+(pixel.b*0.144f)
I tried this for a few 8 bit bitmaps I have and it seems to work pretty well although I am sure there could be more optimizations somewhere.
This took some reading in the colorspace-faq and some further research into certain standards mentioned in the faq in which I am sure you can find some more info on the subject.
[Edited by - evillive2 on January 16, 2005 12:45:02 AM]
weight of each rgb value:
red = 0.299
green = 0.587
blue = 0.114
to solve for a grey value (grey) from rgb value (pixel):
(note: pixel values should be floats for this conversion to be more accurate)
grey = (pixel.r*0.299f)+(pixel.g*0.587f)+(pixel.b*0.144f)
I tried this for a few 8 bit bitmaps I have and it seems to work pretty well although I am sure there could be more optimizations somewhere.
This took some reading in the colorspace-faq and some further research into certain standards mentioned in the faq in which I am sure you can find some more info on the subject.
[Edited by - evillive2 on January 16, 2005 12:45:02 AM]
Ok i changed my code and removed the new keyword. here is what i have for the desaturate function:
Here are my get pixel and set pixel functions. Im dealing with 32bit images and not palletized images. Now I know i didnt convert these functions right because they crash in the put pixel function.
[Edited by - Mastadex on January 16, 2005 6:22:10 PM]
SDL_Surface *Desaturate(SDL_Surface *orig){ // The Desaturated Image memory location SDL_Surface *newScr; // Create a new Surface newScr = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_HWSURFACE, orig->w, orig->h, 32, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask); SDL_LockSurface(newScr); // Desaturate the new Image for (int x = 0; x < newScr->w; ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < newScr->h; ++y) { // Read the pixel information for the current image int color = GetPixel(orig, x, y); // Takes the Blue Channel int b = color & 0xFF; color = color >> 8; // Takes the green Channel int g = color & 0xFF; color = color >> 8; // Takes the Red Channel int r = color & 0xFF; // Take the average of the three channels int brightness = (r + b + g) / 3; // Desaturation of the current pixel and write it to image color = brightness | (brightness << 8) | (brightness << 16); PutPixel(newScr, x, y, color); } } // Delete the original Surface SDL_FreeSurface(orig); SDL_UnlockSurface(newScr); return newScr;}
Here are my get pixel and set pixel functions. Im dealing with 32bit images and not palletized images. Now I know i didnt convert these functions right because they crash in the put pixel function.
Uint32 GetPixel(SDL_Surface *surface, int x, int y){ int bpp = surface->format->BytesPerPixel; // Here p is the address to the pixel we want to retrieve Uint8 *p = (Uint8 *)surface->pixels + y * surface->pitch + x * bpp; return *(Uint32 *)p;}// Sets the Pixel Datavoid PutPixel(SDL_Surface *surface, int x, int y, Uint32 pixel){ int bpp = surface->format->BytesPerPixel; // Here p is the address to the pixel we want to set Uint8 *p = (Uint8 *)surface->pixels + y * surface->pitch + x * bpp; *(Uint32 *)p = pixel;}
[Edited by - Mastadex on January 16, 2005 6:22:10 PM]
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