
Any decent ClanLib documentation out there?

Started by January 11, 2005 09:32 PM
6 comments, last by fireside 20 years, 1 month ago
Is there any decent documentation for ClanLib? I looked at it just the other day and it seems like it was capable of doing pretty much anything, except it wasn't going to tell me how. A few out of date tutorials and a list of classes doesn't count.
The official ClanLib docs. The overview is pretty good, and the reference can help a little bit. If you need more you can get the source and have a look in the Examples and Tests directories to see how things are done.

You're right, the tutorials are out-of-date, but the other sections make up for it. Definitely have a look at the Examples directory in the source.
My stuff.Shameless promotion: FreePop: The GPL god-sim.
Yeah, if you combine the examples with the docs you can get things figured out pretty well. That's what I'm doing. Clanlib is great. There's also a mailing list that answers questions if you get stumped.
My problem with clanlib is its GUI... it fails in the area of allowing multiple "themes". My personal preferance is using inheritance and overriding draw routeens, which allows for you to create many different looking GUI pieces, allowing you to make all your "overhead displays" part of the GUI itself. If someone could explain how this could be done in clanlib though, im all ears.
Original post by PaulCesar
My problem with clanlib is its GUI... it fails in the area of allowing multiple "themes".

Have a look at the GUIstyle program and its source in the Examples directory of the Clanlib source. IIRC, it's pretty much what you describe.

EDIT: Wow. The 's' in GUIstyle should be a capital letter, but for some FUBAR reason the forum keeps changing it to lowercase. :-S

[Edited by - Doc on January 12, 2005 1:15:56 AM]
My stuff.Shameless promotion: FreePop: The GPL god-sim.
Well personally I think the official docs are useless. But it sounds like the real action is in the source. Fair enough.
Im pretty sure after reading through the docs, you pretty much have select the theme once, and all consecutive windows are in that theme. Doesent do very good when you want to use the GUI for customized "talking (FF)" style boxes (that deviate from there standard) as well as use the GUI for the health bars, and things like that.
"when you want to use the GUI for customized "talking (FF)" style boxes (that deviate from there standard) as well as use the GUI for the health bars, and things like that."

Clanlib is object oriented code and it's open source. That makes it easily extendable to do what you want. Sometimes I still forget it's all just c++ classes. You can inherit a base class and change functions, or just write your own class.

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