
Is anybody writing Tracker music?

Started by January 10, 2005 07:59 PM
7 comments, last by jbadams 20 years ago
I'm novice there, and want to know - is anybody work in Trackers? :) PS: my themes for Magic Ball 2 game: These examples rendered from ONE multi-composition tracker module (xm/mo3). Original size is about 800 kbytes for 6 (!) themes. Please give your comments about these themes :)
Yup, all my music is made in a tracker program, but it's not in the style that you'd usually associate with trackers :)
***Symphonic Aria,specialising in music for games, multimedia productions and film. Listen to music samples on the website,
I write a lot of my music using trackers, and like Vaevictis_A, some of it may not be of the sort you'd expect from a tracker. Excellent way of composing for the computer in my opinion. [smile]

- Jason Astle-Adams

I used to use Modplug Tracker a lot, but these days I find myself in Fruityloops more often than not because I prefer the piano roll. And the large array of effects helps too. I am interested in seeing what any new versions of MPT have to offer, though.
I use clasic trackers: Fast Tracker II (for maximum compartibility with XM-file type) and Skale Tracker (new version of FT for Win).

For professional arrangements i use professional audio equipment (mainly hardware).
Lavender, switch to Renoise today ( It's FT2 for Windows, and it kicks a whole lot of rear-end.
***Symphonic Aria,specialising in music for games, multimedia productions and film. Listen to music samples on the website,
2Vaevictis_A: thx, but i dont need it.
I have project studio with powerfull audio hardware (synths, digital DSPs etc.) and use cubase as main sequenser.

Traditional trackers need for music for Shareware games (for minimalize size of in-game sound module)
ok, this'll probably sound real dumb, but. What the heck is a tracker program? What do u mean tracker? yup, now wasn't that a stupid question. so please reply lol ^_^
It refers to a specific type of music creation/editing program. Typically, these programs are defined as 'trackers' based on interface, they're basically sequencing programs. See this Wikipedia article for some slightly more detailed information. An excellent freeware example you can check out if you'd like is Modplug Tracker.

Oh, and no question is 'real dumb' - dumb would be not asking about something you don't understand, and leaving a hole in your knowledge (although you could have probably researched this yourself without too much effort). [wink]

- Jason Astle-Adams

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