Quote:Original post by Rosecroix Hi Wavinator, here's a few ideas:
Nice! I like the little anecdotes, too, they really flavor the facilities. My thanks and ratings++ to you, sir!
Quote: The Palisade - A wall around the city which grants control of emmigration and immigration, affect trade revenue down by 50% or turn 50% of same to none taxable (or leaving it as it is). Military defense of city is easier. 250 energy and 50 metal to maintain.
The return of walled cities is a cool idea. But to be quirky, I'm thinking that people would consider huge walls with guards to be foreboding and an eyesore. So what if the Palisade was actually a knee-high wall that encircled the city, with breaks for roads and approved entrances. Using nanotech, however, the Palisade would swell to a slick glassy black wall when objects approached. The quality of the Palisade would determine how thick and high the wall could be. (Variants could ensnare people, as well).
Quote: The Holographic Ad Monopoly - Control all street ads in the city. Cost 1250 energy to maintain. Controller can choose one of the following: (1) Increased strength and influence, (2) adjust general happiness up or down or (3) increase revenue & pollution.
This I like but would multiply the cost by the size of the city. It also makes me think more not just of single facilities but groups of facilities, so thanks!
Quote: The Training Camp - The controlling factions streetpeople become more effective at urban combat and perform better in military, riot and crime situations. The faction gains the abilities to arson and assasinate.
Were you thinking sort of a VR training studio? (If so, this mirrors facility ideas for I've in mind for the starships of this era, too).
Quote: The Mapkeeper - An institution that keeps records and maps of all buildings in the city. It allows the controlling faction to instantly know when another 'special' building has been built.
Okay, now THIS I REALLY like. If you don't mind, I'm going to run with this: A Mapkeeper is illegal in many democratic cities but beloved by authoritarian regimes and crime syndicates. What it does is to infiltrate the surrounding soil and buildings with monofilament "nerve endings" very sensitive to pressure, light, weight, chemicals and energy usage. These nerve endings report back to an AI consciousness that is fed statistical trend data about the city. Based on this information the AI makes some very accurate guesses about what's being built and where by comparing resource use data to an exhaustive facility profile.
Rebel, criminal and terrorist groups often employ aggressive deconstruction nano to directly attack the constantly regenerating Mapkeeper, while more stealthy and artful factions sometimes employ Racketeers, highly illegal miniature Mapkeepers that throw off false signals for a single building.
A more insidious variant of the Mapkeeper uses bacteria impregnated with low-energy wireless transponders rather than the more expensive and more easily detected monofilament wire. These called "Germkeepers" are less reliable, though.
Quote: Administration Office - A place where policy and claims are made. For example, the government faction begins with the claim that they must approve all buildings (since they represent themselves or whomever by proxy, and has the right to the land it is on). Here, lots of diverse policies, information and interfaces are made available to the controling faction.
I'm thinking of this almost like the mandatory HQ in RTS games.
Quote: Advanced Vehicle Control - In a time and age where the advanced vehicles (flying cars, magnetic subs) are all coordinated and controlled from afar, a central server needs to manage the traffic. Grants it's controlling faction use of advanced vehicles, allowing simple military maneuvers, extreme riot efficiency, protection of places and a chance to deny another faction this kind of control and abilities.
Almost like an air traffic control station for a city. Very nice!
Quote: Dunno if this is what you had in mind, perhaps a bit too heavy on the conflict side of things. Is the citymap supposed to be interactive, or a (near) static like in the 4x genre? /RC |
Great ideas, thx! I'd like the gmae to offer you interactive buildings built from precreated pieces so that they're interactive at an PRG level; but then to allow what I call "Command Mode" which is a bird's eye view of the buildings for base building and tactical gameplay.