Original post by seanw
It looks like you're trying to replicate MSVC
Well, no we don't intend to replicate MSVC. MSVC is a very complex and feature packed product, but many of those features don't make a lot of sense if you take them out of the Windows framework. We are trying to replicate a subset of MSVC: the one that lets you easily and visually develop software without having to care about makefiles, autotools, and such things.
Original post by seanw
and that was written by a huge team of well paid developers. KDevelop can be configured to act in a similar way to MSVC, but various posters here said they didn't like it. Anyway, KDevelop is a combination of tens of thousands of man-hours. Eclipse will have taken even more than that.
And especially on the later one, I'd say that easily 50% of those manhours (if not substancially more) are wasted in pure bloat. I have many years of large scale software development experience, yet I fail to understand how so many manhours can produce such crappy products. Not to bash them, if KDevelop or Eclipse suit your needs, then that is good. But with correct organisation and the right tools, they could've made something far more advanced given the same amount of resources.
Original post by seanw
My issue with closed-source projects like this, is that you'll eventually lose interest, stop fixing bugs and stop adding features and the project will die because nobody can pick up where you left off (this is what happens to the vast majority of projects).
Well, MingW Studio died quite some time ago, yet people continue using it. This IDE isn't going to be a long term project. We have a very well defined feature list, and we aren't implementing anything beyond those features. We're trying to bring the IDE to it's final state within a couple of months. After that, it's fixing bugs
only. Maybe there will be a version 2, maybe not. But there will definitely not be a version 1.01, 1.2, 1.31b, 1.4.1c, etc, as with so many open source projects around. We will treat this product as we do treat our commercial releases - only that it will be free.
Original post by seanw
Even if you did manage to develop it for 5/10 odd years until it was the best IDE around, I'd say you'd be likely (rightfully) to start charging money for it instead.
I'm not interested in money, and neither is Alex (the other guy on the project). We have enough of it. And we won't put more than two months into this project. The joys of rapid application development with an existing framework :)
Also, you might think that "exotic" Unix variants is a funny topic, but I've had to work on Sun boxes, BSD boxes etc.
I've done a lot of work on Irix and OS X. Each platform is different, and each should have its own set of well adapted tools. That's how I see it - our IDE targets the x86 Linux market only. OS X, Irix and BSD would be trivial to add, since our framework libs are already available for all those systems. And since they are an integral part of our commercial applications, they are
very well maintained anyway. But there won't be a Solaris, HPUX, Amiga, or whatever other exotic OS version.
There's nothing to say that you'll become a lazy maintainer and not create binaries for most platforms. If it's open, contributers can help you do this.
That's not the way we manage our development. See, I come from commercial software engineering, so I see the whole development process with different eyes. I think this whole "contributers can help you do this" as the main reason of bad open source software quality, since it dilutes and disorganises the project. The project will not be maintained, except for bug fixes. Each time a service patch will be given out (and I don't expect too many of them, after all it's just an IDE, not an OS), it will be automatically compiled to all platforms through the same project management system we use for our commercial software. There won't be any nightly builds, or such things.
I'm honestly not trying to pan your project. My above views would hold for any closed-source programming tool. Good luck though, it looks like a nice project.
Thanks :) No problem, you're obviously entitled to your opinion.