
Another Shadowrun Post

Started by January 02, 2005 08:02 AM
54 comments, last by robert4818 20 years ago
When was the last time you played Shadowrun for the Sega Genisis? It was dull, repetetive, and a massive Farm Fest... However, I enjoyed it. I spent all of saturday playing the game and came to realize that the basic Sega Game, if given a lot of love, would make an awsome UO style MMO. It had all the good basics needed to make a Shadowrun MMO work, (mission generator, "classes" , Dungeons etc. If we were to take the basics that worked in the Sega Shadowrun and expand on them, I think it would work out great. To those who prefer the SNES game, I have this to say. The SNES game did a better job of matching the FEEL of the game, while the Sega version did a much better job of translating the game and game rules. The SNES set up wouldn't translate well into an MMO style setting.
Ideas presented here are free. They are presented for the community to use how they see fit. All I ask is just a thanks if they should be used.
True, the SNES version did a far better job of visually and esthetically creating a great atmosphere, it kind of fell flat when it came to traditional P&P Shadowrun gameplay. While i really enjoyed playing it, i was kind of dissapointed that the game wasn't more deep, and didn't allow me to play as any of the 3 primary classes, with their subsequent sub-abilities.

Hybridizing both versions would be fantastic, but i would probably want the combat system from the SNES version (with P&P code running in the background). Maybe with deformable terrain like in UFO? Boy that would rock, nothing like vaporizing a room with Heavy Explosives just to kill a mouse, or to make a "Door". XD
I've always thought that an isometric MMO would be ideal. Simple to use, and with some of the moving and interacting commands from RTS games, you could free up a lot of time for text-chat or character management. Just tell your character to take the tram back to the apartment, and you've got a good two or three minutes of passive (but interruptable, of course) character action during which you can be doing all the behind-the-scenes stuff a PnP requires.
I like the flexibility that Isometric perspective allows for, but by the same token, I would much rather have a 3d world. BTW there is a shadowrun game petition out on the signature 173 on it
Ideas presented here are free. They are presented for the community to use how they see fit. All I ask is just a thanks if they should be used.
I think i'd perfer drawn Isometric, if for no other reason that whenever i think of Shadowrun i think of the SNES version and its great atmosphere. A 2D Isometric tile engine with drawn graphics would also be easier to create a dynamic environment for and mod on the fly than a 3D environment with rendered terrain, not to mention much lower system requirements.

Then again, 3D can do a nice job of creating ambience and effects with dynamic lighting and such, as well as rather unique level layouts that would otherwise not be as visually compelling. I suppose in the end it would depend on the difficulty and preference that its creators would be willing to go for.
I'm not an expert, but is it possible to combine the two? Use a tile-based isometric system for map creation and the like, but have it rendered into 3D, like The Sims or Final Fantasy Tactics, to get the lighting effects and such. Specifically, I'd like the camera rotation benefits that this affords, so you could explore and fight more effectively.

BTW, Shadowrun on the SNES was the first time I found myself fleeing blindly in a video game, with a real sense of panic and fear.
I think the camera on The Sims 1 allowed the player to zoom in and out and switch between 4 different angles of view (N,W,S,E), which as handy when painting and decorating your house. The Sims 2 uses's a free-roaming camera angle and (presumably) fully 3D environment to support it. Using different angles of view in a fully 2D environment would be a handy thing to have, and would have been a nice feature when playing those Shadowrun games on the Snes.

It's very possible to combine both 3D aspects and 2D environments (The Sims 1, Little Big Adventures 1), or conversely 2D Characters and 3D environments (as in Ragnarok Online).

Come to think of it, combat like in Fallout Tactics would be an even better way to go (turn based/ RT Hybrid), boy i loved that game. :D
I would personally like something similar to EQ1's different camera angles...(stay with me here) where it was a 3d world, fully, but when out side you could switch between many multiple camera views...including one that mimiced an Isometric view...though very poorly....
check out the following link
Here's a link to some of the Shadowrun P&P materials and resources.

Official Shadowrun Site

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