some quickie-like replies:
Original post by superpig Quote:
thus being a turnoff for the audience stated in the prologue.
Those audiences aren't mutually exclusive...
And they're not the same either. So by forcing genre you will appeal to the intersection of both groups of people, not the union. You should do well to check out the latest Total War demo (Rome), they got this point right. It's a turn-based strategy with real time combat, and you can turn either off if you don't like them. Also about morale, i meant that a single value *like* morale in TW does it. In this case it would be trust. However if more than just obey-or-not is to be modeled, then yeah, it would be nice.
Quote:I do, for my own reasons =) anyways the action bit is already tried and true. I'll keep an open perspective for this thread.
Original post by superpig
OK. I was just a little concerned that the discussion seems to be headed towards developing a game which is purely based around drama and dynamic narrative, which I think would compromise the real goal; we don't want to develop a new genre of 'dramatic' games, we want to make all existing genres more dramatic.
Quote:I wrote things down but not code. Just tried to put the ideas in order so i could find holes in the scheme, and bits that were undefined. Tis just the way i do things =)
Original post by Oluseyi
I honestly think it's a little early to talk implementation. I like to really turn an idea around in my mind, ...
Original post by OluseyiThe available fundamental interactions would have to be specified by the designer/writer (Mary kisses Jay relies on the fundamental action "to kiss" [romantic]), and each one would have an associated intrinsic morality or response value. If two people who are not otherwise attached kiss_romantic, then the evaluation shifts to an investigation of who the involved parties are and the "morality" of the observer/respondent. This way, some characters could be offended at homosexual kisses while others would be happy that "Steve finally found someone." Similarly, Elaine might be scandalized that Mary kissed Jay, but Carol might be all for it.
mmh yes, it's along the lines of what i thought... but the question was about this investigation, and how it would go. BTW reading this post i came up with an idea to make concepts more generic and let the NPCs have different opinions on them: a new basic data, categories.
Each NPC would suscribe to a category, and i guess there should be a default category that all NPC's and manipulable objects should suscribe to. Then, concepts could link to categories instead of (or in addition to?) NPC's.
So you could have Jane and Elaine in the category 'female' and Jay in the category 'male', and have Carol feel that <pass_kiss,female,male> is ok, but <pass_kiss,female,female> is not (or hot!). Also, these could be counted and NPCs could have a feeling about the count too, so if they see another NPC linked to pass_kiss more than one time, they'd feel bad about it. I havent thought about the count much tho.
Original post by superpigmore abstract things, like God, or violence, or betrayal. Joe has an opinion on all of these things, a set of feelings
here, for example, we'd create the concept <violence,default,default> and make some NPC feel bad about it. Categories should probably be hierarchical though.... ugh headache.
Original post by superpigand infers that my opinion of Jane NPC is highly positive; so is his, so we'd get on great (Hilarity, polygamy, and threesomes ensue)
thas is pure genius =D however it is solvable. the NPCs would have their opinions on poligamy (counters!) and cheating, so they would moderate themselves. Unless they were designed liberal... or you would talk em up, which im sure many many players will attempt.
Original post by superpigThere are other similar problems that result from only having a single number representing an opinion.
Yes, im having three. They're quite neat and orthogonal IMHO.
Original post by superpigAlso central is the idea of the 'incident.' When I'm french-kissing Jane NPC, a new, temporary concept is created in the graph, representing that action. Joe can thus form an opinion on that action, can remember it, can change his feelings on it later
i called this knowledge, or info. A concept linked to NPCs, and your opinion is formed based on the categories these NPCs suscribe to. This is what gossip consists of. I am somewhat aganist the idea of creating a new concept. mainly because NPCs wouldn't know how to deal with it. I propose that every possible action in the game has to be already added to the list of concepts in the game, so that NPCs can pick it up and hold an instance of it, linking the incident's details.
On the other hand, it could be good for horror games. If an NPC sees something that its not listed anywhere, he reacts by waving his arms around and running in circles screaming! which would be rather fun. heh. really, there's the issue of how to react to it.
For a recap, so far in my view:
-NPCs, anchor and free. Their personality is defined by mood and feelings about generic concepts and about specific events they know about.
-objects: stuff. pocket lint, definitely.
-Categories: NPCs and objects suscribe to these. They don't need an intrinsical meaning.
-Concepts: represent things that NPCs can think about. (NPCs are concepts too!) They should have category slots. Every possible action in the game should have an associated concept.
-Event: instance of a concept, with category slots filled by NPCs / objects.
how does the concept count fit in there (or if its needed at all) im not sure of yet. Also i realised that allegiances/trust is already included in the 3-number scale i plan to use, so i didn't write it up there.
Note: all feelings should be constantly updated. Hopefully the calculation will be simple, but then again this doesnt mean 60 times per second, could be once each 5 seconds or so.