Original post by graveyard filla
be sure you are converting all your surface's to the screens format BEFORE you blit any of them.
Yeah, I discovered this during my last game. Right now I have a function that loads the image, converts it and sets the color key.
also, in OpenGL, try using vertex arrays. stuff all your tiles into one vertex array with all the texture coordinates / positions and call glDrawArrays(). this should give a nice increase (depending on if your fill rate limited or geomoetry limited).
also, try running the game in fullscreen. this should give a nice boost in OpenGL. not only that, but try running the game in 16 bit color, in fullscreen. this should definetly show a nice boost in frame-rate. (again, depending on if its fill-rate or not, im betting it is though).
also, if you don't want to use vertex arrays, at least try to make GL function calls a minimum. that is, you might be doing something like this:for each tile gltextcoord() glcolor3f() glBegin() draw_quad() glEnd()
instead, do this:gltextcoord()glcolor3f()glBegin()for each tile draw_quad();glEnd()
Thanks for the suggestions, I'll look into them. I suspect the reason it's so slow (around 2 FPS from what some people are telling me) in GL mode with ATI cards is because of all the GL calls I make when drawing the tiles.
I pretty much taught myself just enough GL to get it to draw sprites from coordinates I pass the draw function. On that note, I'd appreciate any advice anybody can give me on how to draw a texture to another texture in GL so I can fix the mini map.