Quote:My point is, that i find it hypocritical that you condone attacks against Nazi's in general even though there were poeple forced into service who opposed the Nazi political party, and yet not make the same sweeping generalizations towards Catholics for similiar attrocities committed by Catholic Institutions. |
People forced into slave labor or made to do certain actions FOR the Nazis, are not of course themselves Nazis, are they?
What similar atrocities have Catholics committed? Did they systematically slaughter 6 million people and start a war that killed tens of millions more? Of course not. The problem here is the comparison you are using.
Quote:-The point i'm trying to make is that Ethics and Morality is Relative, and subject to change. |
Some ethics and morality is not relative.
Edit Add: Do you want to argue the morality of murdering someone because it would be fun? Or raping someone for the same reason? Just because one group DOES something like that does not mean that it's suddenly morally relative.
Quote:People can design and make games to help make a point, or to express their own views or beliefs, or simply for enjoyment. They then give them to companies to help distribute them, and those companies sell them for money. The drive to create such a game does not neccessarily have to be for money, but for the passion that its designer(s) have towards making it. There's alot of freeware games that are being made out there today that prove this. Games are a new medium, akin to Books, and Movies, its understandable that certain negative concepts will be expressed in them at one point or another. |
AGAIN, I am not saying people shouldn't be free to make and try to sell whatever they want. But that's not the issue. I am not talking about "freeware" that someone can get from some extremist website. Again, if that is what people mean, there is no argument. But the original poster, warsong, made no such stipulation on what he was talking about. Therefore, the conversation turned to the mass production of such games and whether or not such a thing is moral/ethical/whatever if it would happen. Further, the conversation has zigged and zagged through a number of side arguments as well over history. My concern is not with some guy in his basement making a pro-Nazi game. My concern is with the original poster insinuating that to mass produce such games for the broader market is ok simply because there might be a market. There's a market for crack cocaine as well, that doesn't mean we should legalize it and sell it. Does it?
Quote:-The point of my bringing up Nazi Concentration Camps, and Catholic run Orphanages is in response to your comment that its "alright to kill Nazi's", and that there's "a big difference between Nazi's and Catholics". I wasn't the one to originally make the reference between the two, if you bothered to read the link at the bottom of my last post. It shows that it doesn't matter what system of government you use, be it a dictatorship, or a Democracy, both are capable of attrocities. |
Guess which one is worse, dictatorship or democracy? If you think they are comparable I have a bridge to sell you.
Hmmm...which post of mine did you take the "
alright to kill Nazi's" quote from? I don't see it. Did I say those exact words or did one get changed in there?
Furthermore, you continue to not get my point. The Catholics hundreds of years ago who ran the inquisition were evil, you're right. If someone makes a game to splat Inquisition people, fine. Just like a game that does the same to Nazis is not an issue for me. The ISSUE is when you decide to paint ALL CATHOLICS or ALL GERMANS. Games about Nazis (or movies or books) invariably talk about the group from WWII (Though Nazi skinheads are notorious for violence and have gotten a few movies in their own right). Do you see?
Quote:Minorities, such as terrorists, small groups of abusive clergy,Political Parties in control of a particular country, can cause people to generalize populations and lump them together. The most sophisticated survailance system being used in Nazi Germany during both World Wars wasn't used on the allies, it was used to control Germany's own population. |
There were no Nazis in WWI. Try again.
Quote:There were some German's who dissagreed with Hitlers views, and there were some who had no choice but to fight because they were drafted into his army, with death as their only alternative, fearful that friends and family might turn them in. Even then soldiers and high ranking officials worked in secret to save lives. An excellent example of this is the movie "Shindler's List". |
And AGAIN, we are NOT talking about those people. When people talk about "the Nazis" and they refer to them as evil, they aren't talking about those who were forced to participate. At least, no one here is but you, as far as I can see. There weren't very many people working in secret to save lives who were members of the Nazi Party, btw.
In general what you have done here is to cloud the issue by raising the specter of those were forced to participate. No one is saying those people were complicit. But then, those people were also not really Nazis, or Communist Party members, or what have you. They are not the topic of discussion. We are talking willing participants in the crimes under consideration.