
Please test my first shader test app!

Started by November 11, 2004 05:03 PM
37 comments, last by vincoof 20 years, 3 months ago
P4-1.7/Radeon 9550XT

without ~ 170 fps
with glow ~ 35 fps
Original post by noVum
Woah 11.25fps! Needs a little speeding up i think!

It's a FX 5200 = slowest shader unit on earth.

[lol] I'm pretty sure we can always find a slower unit.
Anyway it still can be optimized IMHO. Even games like Doom 3 run faster than that in this system.
fps varies from 341 to 512 with effect off
A solid 146 with it on

3Ghz P4, 256 Meg 6800GT
2800+ Athlon XP
1GB 3200 Matched TwinXMS Pair
QuadroFX 1000

170->210 fps no effect
23 with

Where's the source?
340 with glow off and 100 with it on.
I got a P4 3.0GHz/1GB ram/GF6800ULTRA

What resolution are you running it on?

Allso when i first run it the glow shows up fine, but not the text.
To see the text i have to press F1 to go to fullscreen mode (from fullscreen mode i might add), but if i do that i loose the glow effect until i restart the program.

Is there any other buttons should i be pushing instead.
Original post by lc_overlord
340 with glow off and 100 with it on.
I got a P4 3.0GHz/1GB ram/GF6800ULTRA

What resolution are you running it on?

Hmm.. 1024x768x32 if I remember.

Allso when i first run it the glow shows up fine, but not the text.
To see the text i have to press F1 to go to fullscreen mode (from fullscreen mode i might add), but if i do that i loose the glow effect until i restart the program.

The addition of the cg stuff is really rough, the two textures which are used are not re-created when a screenmode change takes place, that's why the blurring doesn't work after changing to/from windowed mode. I suppose I should've removed screenchanging for this quick test eh?

Is there any other buttons should i be pushing instead.

Keys = F1 (to fullscreen) (Ignore this!)
f2 (to windowed) (Ignore this!)
F3 VSync toggle
Escape = quit

Alanius - Where's the source?

My source is messy as hell and isn't greatly commented, there's virtually no error checking, values are re-calculated unnecessarily, I'm not proud of this code, I'm actually quite ashamed to show it to someone, but bah, I can't be arsed to sort it out right now as I've been drinking alchohol :) ... the link given above explains perfectly how to implement the effect, yet here is the source file containing the code for the effect, look at the class CGlow. (It's virtually a cut and paste from the aforementioned link tutorial anyway =)

[Edited by - TerraX on November 12, 2004 4:33:45 PM]
hmm. interesting.

I'm not a great fan of glow effects, and the perfromance hit in this case is pretty staggering... :/

I'm wondering, how you are doing this?

I have done it in the past, and taken the following approach:

render scene to a texture.. (or if D3D use stretchRect)
using two blur textures, 256x256 or 512x512 (you don't need any bigger),
first draw scene to first blur texture, blurring horizontally (single pass, say 8 pixel wide blur, using fudged texture coords and you get even more blur thanks to bilinear filtering). then draw from this texture to the second blur texture, blurring vertically. In a single pass again. I even rotated the first texture 90 degrees to (in theory anyway) help out texture caching...

then draw the second blur texture back onto the screen combined with the original scene texture.

I'm guessing, looking at your shaders, that you are using two full size blur textures (1024x768) and repeatdly blurring them? (I would guess blurring 6 times?) and then running a final shader to pow(3) the result, then draw back to the screen combined with the original scene.. The blur shader seemed to only take 4 samples, and take them in a square, should be possible to do 16-32 samples...

Looks quite good though. it's a pretty accurate blur.

Also consider using auto-mipmap generation to help blurring even more.

but as I say, I'm not a fan of non-hdr bloom... it can easily end up looking like a full screen blur not bloom (eg star wars battlefront)...

anywho blah. [smile]
There is no difference between gloom and no-gloom mode here.

ForceWare 70.41 / GeForce 6800
--------------------------------------------------------There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.There is another theory which states that this has already happened...
62 bloom off
24 bloom on

On a GeForce 3. Yeah!

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