
Announcement: Voodoo Script Version 0.0.1 Release!

Started by October 31, 2004 08:25 PM
9 comments, last by choffstein 20 years, 4 months ago
How ironic, releasing Voodoo Script on Halloween ;) I am proud to finally release my baby: Voodoo Script. It is an assembly like language created as an independent project for this semester in High School (I am a senior). I would first of all like to thank everyone here at Gamedev for helping out with everything. I would love to be able to post a URL of sorts so everyone can download it and give it a whirl, but unfortunately I cant upload to my host for the time being. Would anyone be willing to host the .zip for a little while until I can get my website back under control? Again, thanks to everyone for their support and help. As a teaser (or maybe it will turn you off...), here is an example script:

#our preprocessors
.setstacksize 1024
.setpriority 5

#our test method
method test{
	param b
	add b 5
	push b

        #printFloatWrapper is defined in main.cpp
	callhost printFloatWrapper
	pop b
	ret 1

#our main method
method main{
	object a
	object b
	object c
	object d

	mov a 5
	mov d 5

		je d a TEST
		mov a 5
		push a
		callhost printIntWrapper
                #we pop after printIntWrapper because I know
                #that the function pushes a return value.  
		pop a
		mov a 5
		mult a 15
		div a 3
		sqrt a
		add a 16
		sub a 3
		push a
		call test
		pop b
		push a
		callhost printFloatWrapper
		pop a
		exit 1
		mov c "This is a test"
		push c
		callhost printWrapper
		pop c
		mov d 0
		jmp START
Yay! Oh, by the way, the numbers are done as: ARCHITECTURE CHANGE . RELEASE NUMBER . BUG FIX So if I fix 5 bugs, the release will be: 0.0.6. Just incase anyone wanted to follow the project later on. -visage
That is the same name as my up and coming language!


Although it isn't finished yet...

Grrrrrr, name stealer! :P

Oh and by the way, I could host your file for a bit... got about 4Gb of bandwidth to burn through before the end of the month - my site is mostly text based so bandwidth is no problem.
Just started another thread when I realised I wanted to hijack this one.
Well, because I like the concept of your language more, I will more than gladly change the name of mine when you release yours. Or just make mine "VoodooASM" or something. We can figure it out later.

Good luck with your project champ.

If you could jot me an email as to where I can send my file for you to host, I would appreciate it. Thanks.

Seriously though, your language could still be called Voodoo Script, this one could be called Voodoo. I think that would work.
I also will gladly change the name (although it is a cool name), since you were finished first and you have actually made something cool.

Just being funny over the name stealing thing, I really have no problem and just want to make a cool language. I'll cross the "name" bridge when I get to it.

Email sent
Voodoo Script 0.1.0 has been released.

I am starting to rethink the numbering system.

Anyway, arrays and escape sequences within strings are now supported.

Hopefully both 0.0.1 and 0.1.0 will be on my website soon!

Thanks for checkin everyone!
What did you use to write your parser?

I've personally had a lot of success with flex and bison.

EDIT: You wrote your own, wow!

[Edited by - umbrae on November 1, 2004 9:47:45 PM]
I've hosted Voodoo Script here

[Edited by - umbrae on November 2, 2004 2:29:48 AM]
why not?

it's easy to do it :-)
--Slashstone - www.slashstone.comNerveBreak free scripting system.
Yeah, wrote my own parser. AP, its assembly based because its a school independent, and I only have so much time. I am thinking about eventually creating a C-style language, using this as the assembly form...but thats for later days and later learning.

I plan on continually updating it. Infact, write now I am working on a system called "packaging" ... essentially my own version of a class (each package has its own routines).

So check that out when it comes along.

Thanks to umbrae for hosting!

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