Original post by fractoid
RMS sucks because he basically says that commercial programming (which is, let's face it, how most of us here on this board earn a living) is inherently morally wrong and that commercial programmers have 'sold out' their ethics.
He ignores the fact that while there is a limited place for projects funded purely by goodwill and donations, most programming is done for corporate clients.
He may well ignore that fact. Fortunately, it's not relevant. The fact that most programming is done for corporate clients does not, in fact, mean that programming for corporate clients morally acceptable.
In addition, RMS doesn't object to "commercial programming." He objects to "non-free software." He doesn't care if you get paid to write software. In fact,
he's been paid to write (admittedly free) software, and he doesn't have a problem with that.
Most of all he pisses me off because, reading between the lines of what I've heard from him, he believes that I have an obligation to give him (and the rest of the open source community) all source code I write.
Almost, but I have a minor correction: he believes that anyone who creates
and distributes a piece of software has an obligation to provide the source with it.
Also, why don't you consider the fact that
he gets pissed off at people who believe that they have a
right to prohibit those to whom they distribute programs from modifying and redistributing them themselves.
[clarification: the final 'Piss off' was not aimed at our illuminated GameDev audience. Rather, it was to all of the RMS-quote-spewing GPL weenies everywhere, especially the ones who used to regularly harass me about releasing all my source code because 'it was the right thing to do'.]
I'm a member of the GameDev audience, but I guess I'm not a member of the
illuminated GameDev audience, since I believe that software should be free. Although I'm not an RMS-quote-spewing GPL weenie.