Quote: Original post by Trinka
I think that time doesn't exist as entity that has any form and could be manipulated. It's just a simple tool for us humans to describe the state of system. Think about the world as space, material and movement. Time is just simply a state to help describe the movement of material in that space.
well i agree that its a tool to describe time. and i also agree it cant most probally be manipulated, but you can travel in time, thats sure.
everything that excists emits visual light. If i look at you, i see the state(light) you emit. but if im FASTER then the light, i can see you in a previous state. if i run for you faster then the light, i will see a previous form of you. of course you will need a way to see the light, but i have am convvinced that this will be possible. u can look back, but you cant manipulate