
Consistency in Time Travel

Started by October 10, 2004 09:45 PM
144 comments, last by Numsgil 20 years, 2 months ago
Quote: Original post by Trinka
I think that time doesn't exist as entity that has any form and could be manipulated. It's just a simple tool for us humans to describe the state of system. Think about the world as space, material and movement. Time is just simply a state to help describe the movement of material in that space.

well i agree that its a tool to describe time. and i also agree it cant most probally be manipulated, but you can travel in time, thats sure.
everything that excists emits visual light. If i look at you, i see the state(light) you emit. but if im FASTER then the light, i can see you in a previous state. if i run for you faster then the light, i will see a previous form of you. of course you will need a way to see the light, but i have am convvinced that this will be possible. u can look back, but you cant manipulate
Well, you say that looking at old picture is time travel... :-) Yes, you can look into past that way, but this is not a time travel, at least the way most people understand it. Besides, we don't know if it's possible to travel faster than light, and scientists are saying it's not.
Quote: Original post by Trinka
Hmm.. before talking about time travel consistency first the time travel should exist. Since time travel is impossible (at least yet), all talks are useless. It's like creating a problem that can't exist, therefore can't be solved too.

But time travel is possible! We do it every day. It's just the direction that seems to be fixed [wink]. For example, nothing (except for technical reasons) will stop you from time travelling 500 years into the future in only 3 years relative time. Simply ([wink]) build a space ship, accelerate to ~99.99963% lightspeed, set an egg-timer to one year and finally decelerate.

Bang! ~500 years earth-time skipped [smile]. (The three years travelling time are composed of 1 year acceleration @ 1g, 1 year flight @ 99.99963% cand 1 year deceleration @ 1g).

The only catch is - there's no way 'back'...
Quote: Original post by darookie
The only catch is - there's no way 'back'...

hmmm, and if you put it in reverse and flye in the other direction back? like -99,9999999963% ligghtspeed and put the timer to -1 year? :D (just joking)
Quote: Original post by darookie
But time travel is possible! We do it every day.

We do not travel in time... we *count* it. Let's say today is 11th day, if tomorrow i say that it's 10th day... are we traveling back in time?!?! :-)

About the twin paradox.. well, i can't argue here since i can't fully understand it.
What about the idea that the android can come back and tell Dr. Alpha but can't stop him from building them as this would cause a time irregularity? So time travel may be physically possible (although we haven't discovered how yet) but stopping him from fulfilling his role of building the android is not physically possible. In the same way that walking up a wall goes against the physical laws of the universe, so too does stopping the android from being built and therefore coming back.

For example, on the afternoon the android comes back, Dr Alpha is found in his car with the windows wound up and a piece of hose attached to the exhaust pipe*. As he drifts into a carbon monoxide induced “peaceful slumber”, the time travelling android appears in the garage. Before it is too late Dr Alpha realises that creating an android is indeed possible, gives up all suicidal thoughts, brews a cup of coffee and begins work on an android prototype.

*Dr Alpha later wrote an autobiography which stated that he was forced to these extremes due to his realisation of the futility of trying to build an Android. This was also accentuated by a paradoxical post he read that morning on about time travel.

Quote: Original post by Trinka
Quote: Original post by darookie
But time travel is possible! We do it every day.

We do not travel in time... we *count* it. Let's say today is 11th day, if tomorrow i say that it's 10th day... are we traveling back in time?!?! :-)

well... its traveling in time. if we wouldnt, we should be locked to the same moment for ever. If you say its tomorrow the 10th, you would still go forward, you just call it otherwise, but the events keep in logical order... what happend today wont be "undone" tomorrow because u call it yestrday

//edit forgot a piece of text

[Edited by - Red Falcon on October 11, 2004 5:15:45 AM]
Quote: Original post by Trinka
Quote: Original post by darookie
But time travel is possible! We do it every day.

We do not travel in time... we *count* it. Let's say today is 11th day, if tomorrow i say that it's 10th day... are we traveling back in time?!?! :-)

Technically speaking, no. This argument is totally pointless. You can also stop 'counting' and time still goes by. The way you count or if you count at all is something the universe won't care about.

About that twin paradox - Muons are real. 'nuff said [smile]. Classical example of Lorentz transformation in nature.

Quote: Original post by Red Falcon
well... its traveling in time. if we wouldnt, we should be locked to the same moment for ever.

And here comes the movement into the play. As i said in my previous post: space, material and movement. It doesn't require the time.

but the events keep in logical order... what happend today wont be "undone" tomorrow

We do not need time to see things in logical order. We need it only if we want to observe it (ie, calc speed etc). The logical order happens by itself, since it's all being driven at particle levels (atoms, electrons and stuff like that).
Quote: Original post by darookie
Technically speaking, no. This argument is totally pointless. You can also stop 'counting' and time still goes by.

Is it time that goes by, or just a movement of material that happens in space?

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