
Consistency in Time Travel

Started by October 10, 2004 09:45 PM
144 comments, last by Numsgil 20 years, 2 months ago
Quote: Original post by Estok
You could win your very own time machine!

How to enter:
1. on a piece of paper write down the date and time you want to receive your time machine
2. wait until that moment
3. if you are the lucky winner, a time machine will arrive. Congratulation!

After receiving the time machine:
1. Go ahead to have fun with it, it is yours!
2. After having fun with it, be sure to send it back to the date and time you have written on the piece of paper. You are allowed to replicate the time machine and keep the original or the copy.

Nice! I'll get mine on saturday [wink]
Now here is some Idea:

If time travel is possible either to the past or future, it would make sence that it would be pretty much as rewinding or forwarding a videotape, that is, you relive your life either way, and you may even "forget" what you lived just as you learned it, hence once you got back to the time you wanted to go, you would probably take the same paths (because you dont know any better) why?

Well, paradoxes cannot exists unless there are multiple universes right? so lets say you screw up with a girlfriend or she gets killed, whatever, you make a time machine and go back to save the relationship/her, only that you're no longer on your universe, and there are 2 of you, the second one never loses the girl, so has no reason to go back, everything is fine and dandy except that if you go forward in time, the second you would still be there.

Do you see the problem here? Matter cannot be destroyed, and when you left your universe, your atoms disapeared from that universe and apeared in the other universe, which is imposible!.

if you go back and stop you from saving her the first time, then there are 3 copies of you on that new universe, again matter comming from out of nowhere.

Therefore, in order to avoid paradoxes and the imposibility of matter comming from nowhere, if time travel is posible it should be only following the time traveler's lifetime, much like in butterfly effect, you cannot go back before the time you were born or past the time you die.

Discuss [smile]

"History Abhors a Paradox" - Raziel
Quote: Original post by Estok
You could win your very own time machine!

How to enter:
1. on a piece of paper write down the date and time you want to receive your time machine
2. wait until that moment
3. if you are the lucky winner, a time machine will arrive. Congratulation!

After receiving the time machine:
1. Go ahead to have fun with it, it is yours!
2. After having fun with it, be sure to send it back to the date and time you have written on the piece of paper. You are allowed to replicate the time machine and keep the original or the copy.

OMG this topic is going to waste.... 2 bad, but this aint serious anymore
Quote: Original post by Red Falcon
ok, i have been away a while, but now i have another one to break your brains on.

if time would be a whole, then people in the future would already be here. Now is the problem(or rather 2), we havent seen them yet. if time-travel WOULD be possible they would have to be here already. you can tell me everything you want, but when people from ages, millenias are even further come back, e have to see at least 1 sometime. if time would be a whole, then it doesnt matter they are to far in the future.

ok that was prob 1. now number 2
IF people have come back, there will be loads of em. in 21000 one comes, in 2200, but cause time seems to be infinete, i can write numbers all day. so, if there are so many people, they are changing the whole history... 1 makes a difference, but if there are more, it could be a huge inpact on time. also another prob. in the somewhat more rich countrys everyone has a passport. how do time travels get one? and dont tell they only arrive in poor countries

Anyne serious wanna have a go at the aswer? guess not....
Quote: Original post by Red Falcon
Quote: Original post by Estok
You could win your very own time machine!

OMG this topic is going to waste.... 2 bad, but this aint serious anymore

Pardon? Estok just illustrated in a very amusing way the paradoxes he presented. Easy to understand and fun for everyone that took a glimpse at our little conversation [smile].

What you stated as a problem is one of the major arguments that physicists will present if you mention time travel.

Kwizatz on the other hand made an interesting observation. In fact, using his perfectly sane argument, it would be possible that time isn't progressing in a linear fashion at all!
We wouldn't even notice since we have no perception of time as an entity like mass or length. If you want to get really funny about that you could even explain dejá vu's that way [wink].

what you call an easy demonstration, is me calling this topic getting simple actally. i liked to break my brains on this topic, but now this aint needed anyome.... to bad trinka dont post anymore. with her i had the best discussion.

when this topic gets somewhat harder again, PM me if u want. then i go in it again
Quote: Original post by Red Falcon
what you call an easy demonstration, is me calling this topic getting simple actally. i liked to break my brains on this topic, but now this aint needed anyome.... to bad trinka dont post anymore. with her i had the best discussion.

when this topic gets somewhat harder again, PM me if u want. then i go in it again

sorry bout this... i have a headache an im REALLY irritated. so dont take it to serious. it will pass over i hope. altrough muy head feels like going kaboom
Come on no one is going to comment on my Idea? [sad]
A couple of possible answers exist to the paradoxes proposed in relation to time travel:

1) The "Pastwatch" solution - used in Orson Scott Card's "Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus", this proposes that time travel effectively short-circuits the timeline, eliminating the timewise universe beyond that point. No paradox, since the person who has come back is not in that universe. Could conceivably imply that forward time travel is not possible, but not necessarily, since a new future history must necessarily come to exist.

2) Many-worlds - one version of this has already been discussed, the Everett Interpretation.

2b) Another claims that the current moment is a pinch point, but that the future and past show many-worlds behaviour, with an ever-expanding set of possibilities the further away from the present you go. This relies on the collapse of the QWF, and is pretty much pseudo-science at best, but it's an interesting variation when applied wisely.

2c) Another variation is somewhat touched on by Charlie Stross in "Singularity Sky", in that he talks about how any universe that allows time travel is necessarily unstable, and so a far-future agency bans time travel. The outcome of this, in my mind, at least, is that a stable universe might allow time travel, but in any stable version of itself, the interesting time travel has already been done, and cannot be witnessed by members of the distant future or past, since they would have ridden out the temporary instability in an extra-dimensional equilibrium seeking sense. This basically boils down to the "there are rules against changing the past" idea, since you're starting in a stable version of the universe, so either you try later and fail or you succeed, but it's already part of history.
No Excuses
This thread is way too long to comment on and even read, I skipped 5 pages :)

I was wondering why everybody, when they talk about time travel, they think that the present is now, when actually to someone in the past the present would be then and the future would be now. To someone in the future, your present would be in the past and their present would be in your future, and their future would be yours, and their future and the guy in your pasts future.

So maybe, just maybe time is not linear nor does it branch, it is circular or spherical in nature .. maybe everything is connected in some abstract way and everything is effected in an instance and not in a linear path. Time is irrelevant, everything exists all at once. The end of time is also the begining of time. That way everything is all ready predetermined but everything can also change at once too. Everything effects everything else sometime, at least onetime, in this looping ball of time/space. Try not to think so linear or binary for that matter.

Somthing to think about anyways :)
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