
Consistency in Time Travel

Started by October 10, 2004 09:45 PM
144 comments, last by Numsgil 20 years, 2 months ago
Not sure if this has been said before, but this is my view on how time works:
-----  beginning (end of previous universe)  |  |  |  |  |------  end of this universe------  beginning  |  |  |  |  |------ end------ beginning...

Basically my idea is that backwards time travel IS impossible, there's only one possibility in any given situation, and that possibility is always chosen. When people would have been considered to have traveled "back" in time, they'd have actually jumped forward far enough into the next incarnation of the universe.

This idea makes it very possible to change the universe by stepping through time and killing your grandfather, but before you have ever been created in that universe. The only difficult thing to work about about this is that there has to be a definite beginning of time, when the first universe was I guess this would support a big-bang theory, or maybe religious predestination. Heck, it could support reincarnation theories, too.
Things change.
funnly enough, as in talking about god, he would be a victim of what you are hinting at (i'll just call it pre-destiny). If time could only play out one way then things wouldn't nessecarily be predetermined, but you couldn't stop yourself from making the same choice you are going to a single, unaltered time theory this makes sense, that is until you add time travel. Telling yourself to make a diffrent choice because you know the outcome would change things, but at that point the future would exist (you came from somewhere, right?), and the new future would exist, right? so you have split futures...doesn't make any sense huh? On the other hand there is quantum theory, ever tried the interacting particles test with light, look for it on the web. Multiple universes, where would they be stored, what if time wasn't a measure of length but a barrier of worlds, time is what causes us from seeing what might of been, its all interrelated. How is time travel possible? well, straight time travel would essentially be backing up time, thats impossible but lets say its not, everything gets erased, including the thing from the future, he cant exist because time is supposedly two ways, future effects the present and much as the past effects the future, so the person would go along to make the same decision. OR, you TRAVEL to a time when someone was about to make a bad decision, he stops and you still exist but not in the same time line, a pallalel time line in a diffrent world.
Anyone read Doraemon? The time travel in it are all consistent. It is the same as the information of the Discovery Magazine on page 1 of this thread.

One episode in Doraemon for example:

A gold coin had been stolen, and Doraemon was accused of stealing it. To prove his innocence, Doraemon went back to time to stalk the thief. However, no one ever came to steal the gold coin. So he decided to take the coin back to the future. He went back to the future and realized that he was the one who stole the coin.
Quote: Original post by Agony
Quote: Original post by Red Falcon
of you read the entire forum, you would know that there are many theorys that say that there is more then 1 time. and for the cause effect: the android tells him to stop right? how can the android tell him when he is never created? he has to be made at some point, and because the man he tells to stop made him, he cant excist.[emphasis added]
Of course, if we assume that cause-and-effect is absolute, the whole concept is impossible. The point is that if we don't assume that cause-and-effect is absolute, then the theory becomes a viable possibility. And I was pointing out that I already assume that cause-and-effect is not absolute, thus making the theory viable in my eyes.

explain then, how the android ever excisted? the technologie for it is never created, i wont begin or no technologie, no android. but how is he made then? did he discide that himself?
Quote: Original post by Nahoopii
But seriously, this crowd loves time travel.

yup they sure do :D this is some nice discussion and u can use ur brain here to answer ;)
Quote: Original post by Nahoopii
But seriously, this crowd loves time travel.

yup they sure do :D this is some nice discussion and u can use ur brain here to answer ;)
Quote: Original post by Trinka
Ok, you guys started to talk about possibilities, so i'll toss in some more fuel into fire. :-)

Have you ever heard of "deterministic" universe theory? Basically it says that everything that happens is supposed to, and you can't change anything. If the universe has clear rules (like how bodies affect each other and there's no randomness in it), then it's possible to calculate the future, since universe is just a big function with a lot of variables.

Just some material to think about. :-D

Oooh i know that theory..... and its really the worse one i evr heard. even worse is that u cant argue, cause it covered all, no matter if its right or wrong. in fact ALL WE DO is already clear. we think we have choises but we havent, cause the choices answer wqas already know..... very irritating theory. we are drones and cant descide, cause what we descide isnt a descision. urgh..... on HELL of a theory
Quote: Original post by Estok
A gold coin had been stolen, and Doraemon was accused of stealing it. To prove his innocence, Doraemon went back to time to stalk the thief. However, no one ever came to steal the gold coin. So he decided to take the coin back to the future. He went back to the future and realized that he was the one who stole the coin.

yup but now 1 problem again.... he was accused of it, but he didnt steal it. Why did they accuse him if it was never stolen in his time? he got back and stole it then. because of this they accused him in the future. so, eighter 2 timelines or a time paradox :D
Quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
You can go back into the past and kill your grandfather. When you go back to your time, you are still there. No problem.

The biggest reason you can't understand why this is ok is that you still think time goes in one direction. Once you realize that time is just another spacial dimension it all becomes clearer.

It's because the majority of people are biased to seeing and comprehending their macroscopic world. How many people even realize that when they fly in an airplane they are actually traveling in time but only having an atomic clock would tell you that.
But yeah time doesn't necessarily have to move forward all the time:
COMPETING ARROWS OF TIME. Lawrence S. Schulman of Clarkson University has found that time might actually flow backwards in certain regions of space. This time reversal has nothing to do with quantum fluctuations or the spacetime-warping effects of a black hole. It's just ordinary matter obeying the ordinary and mostly time-symmetric laws of physics.
[size="2"]Don't talk about writing games, don't write design docs, don't spend your time on web boards. Sit in your house write 20 games when you complete them you will either want to do it the rest of your life or not * Andre Lamothe
Quote: Original post by daviangel
But yeah time doesn't necessarily have to move forward all the time.

time ALWAYS has to flow forward. otherwise you would undo events that have happened. even if that was no point, time wouldnt even excist. time is the contnuesflow of events that come one after another. if it "jumped" back sometime and started to fo in another direction, it woudnt be time anymore.

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