felonius : ahaha, medicine doesn''t care about politically correct, or media coverage. It''s the media that turn an idea into something political... (my father''s a doctor, so I am a bit aware of all the bullsh!ts going on in Medicine ... uuugh, ugly).
fine arts are different from craftmanship. I was actually trying to say that some of the works considered by the public like masterpieces, and work of art. Are actually more craftmanship than art. They were created with the skill of a genius, but in essence are not creative as such. Of course, a real artist can always put his creativity in the gaps left by the command (like the background, in the Mona Lisa.)
yes, I am not gonna turn you into an artistic, intuitive guy, if you are of the engineer, logical type. wouldn''t you be a Virgo by any chance ?
The creative guy, as I see it, would be the person coming up with ideas, and motivating his troops, leading them. I believe that you have to apply to what you are the best at, to be effective. And some people are more effective at being original, finding ideas, generating thoughts, motivating the people around. Then you need people who can turn the volatile ideas into tangible things : code, artwork (illustrations, that is
), music, etc. ("Il n''y a pas de sot métier", there is no stupid job) There is no *best* job, or bad job.
A skilled artist with no ideas is worthless. A creative idea without the skills to realise it is nothing more than an idea.
Sometimes I try to do everythng by myself, but I perfectly know that it''s not the best way to do it. I jsut haven''t found the complementary people I need, yet.
As for the intuition thingie... well, you *have* to be an Air sign, it''s just so typical
Some people don''t understand what intuition is, and thus can''t use it. Just don''t
For me, the more I listen to it, the better I work. When I stop to think too much, I f*ck up big time ...
Complementarity is the key.
Now of course, I am completely off topic, but hey !
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !