
getting the mouse wheel in SDL?

Started by September 12, 2004 04:38 AM
3 comments, last by graveyard filla 20 years, 5 months ago
hi, pretty simple question. does anyone know how to detect a mouse wheel up / down event? id like to know how to get it directly if thats possible, ie not while polling for input. cant find any info for this on the docs, im not sure if it even exist's. thanks for any help.
FTA, my 2D futuristic action MMORPG
Hiya, you will use the SDL_MouseButtonEvent. In addition to the


flags you can also use


Hope that helps.


Steven Bradley .:Personal Journal:. .:WEBPLATES:. .:CGP Beginners Group:. "Time is our most precious resource yet it is the resource we most often waste." ~ Dr. R.M. Powell
thanks... but it seems like i have to do this in the polling for input. is there anyway to grab if they have been pressed directly? thanks
FTA, my 2D futuristic action MMORPG
If you're just wanting to inspect the current state of the buttons, that's a different concept to events, which signal changes of state.

Try looking for buttons 4 and 5, perhaps.
thanks for the reply. actually, that was the first thing i tried. 4 and 5 dont seem to do anything. thanks anyway though.
FTA, my 2D futuristic action MMORPG

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