Quote:Original post by TechnoGoth An interesting world building excerise and I'll do my best to rise to the challange.
WOW! Nice job, I really like it! [smile]
Quote: Zelene space and socitey is organized into a series of concentric rings with the god at the center. The closer the ring to the god the more influnce the god has over the Zelene and the more devote and pious they are. The rings also act as a social hierachy with the ring around god being home to the high priests and the outer ring being home to theives and criminals.
This is alot more textured than I saw their society, so I'll definitely use it. It makes perfect sense. I have the idea that these powerful inquisitor monks in living armor walk around like psionic shaolin priests enforcing the peace and stopping the spread of technology; they would walk alone among the outer ring because they'd be more fit than others to keep faithful in this "purgatory" of criminals and lost souls.
Quote: Since these rings represent status in society people from other rings can not inter-marry and although Zelene can travel freely through they may never call another ring home. The one exception to this is the principle of elevation and pentance. When a Zelene shows great devotion and achives beyond expectiations they can be elevated to a higher ring as a reward. Likewise those who lack proper devotion for their level can be bansished to a lower ring.
A distance based, flexible caste system. Perfect. Maybe with the exception of the psionicist monks I mentioned above, players would only be able to start in the outer rings so that they have an interesting goal and see more conflict.
I'm wondering, though, if the caste system shouldn't be assigned, but rather ascribed over time. Maybe it is won, which provides motivation for the people to improve themselves in a society that is largely static.
Quote: Since the farther you get from the Velekkii the less influnce the god has on everday life the more chaotic the lives of the Zelene becomes. While the first seven rings are a utopian paradise, they are followed by the three buffer rings where people where the majority of the military power resides, the next 10 rings exist in an almost fedual state where planets form coilitions and skirmishes and raids are common place. The final two rings are the outer rings which are lawless chatoic areas filled with pirates, smugglers and all manner of criminals.
This is cool. It feeds into the idea of slavers that I wanted, and would create problems with the neighbors of this culture. I imagine that there would also be huge commerce and defense nodes scattered around the periphery, and that those posted there would be regularly rotated out. Maybe this is a high posting filled with the chance to gain status.
Quote: According to Zelene Velekii is an avatar of the thought, a being born of the collectives minds and will of the Zelene people. The Velekii is like a conductor and Zelene an orchastra of a 100 billion diffrent insturments. It is the Velekii purpose to turn the noise of all those chatoic indvidual minds into the beautful music of unity that is the Zelene Empire. The Velekii exists in a state of living death sitting on a greate obsiden throne directing the thoughts of the entire empire and only in time of great danger does the god rise from its throne and take a physical role in affairs.
I really like this. Actually, one aspect of the society that wasn't worth mentioning at the time is ancestor veneration and the idea that they post the skeletons of powerful dead at places in the home as guardians. So maybe there is an obsidian palace somewhere guarded by psionically charged skeletons and a ghostly glowing figure sitting in perfect meditative repose. Though very D&Dish, it would be interesting if their "White House" was a tomb filled with psionic creatures that was never visited, state business being conducted telepathically instead.
Quote: Although the Velekii is seen as god it is not considered absolute since it an avatar of thought there can a rise from time to time new avatars to challenge the current Velekii. These new avatars are those Zelene who have tranceded at birth as such they wield powers that rivial the Velekii. However there can only be one Velekii who is the chosen one of thought and when a rivial appears it creates times of disharmony know as Crusades.
I really like this idea. I had in mind a society of clones guided by a strong war church that would have periodic schisms, but I'll have to come up with something else for them.
Quote: There have been seven crusades in Zelene history and the first Velekii has emerged victorious after each. The first crusade is known as the black crusade since it came before the ban on technology. The rivial avatar thought to employ powerful technological weapons to defeat the Velekii and in the process the Zelene experince death and desturction on an unimagined scale. After the rivals defeat technology was forever banned.
feel free to carry on where I left off. |
[grin] Sure!
Let's say that the first crusade / schism was the Metalmind Crusade, which employed thinking machines imported from offworld. The empire was limited to just the home system, and the machines multiplied to such a level that they strip-mined much of the metal rich inner system before attacking the palace and loyal clans of the first Velekii on the homeworld. Nuclear strikes and nanotech storm clouds left the homeworld devastated but alive, and after the false avatar was killed tech was declared "unclean."
Centuries later, the second became the Stronglogic Crusade (crusade sounds better), which was a struggle between the growing number of psionic Zelenae and pre-psionic Zelenae who were becoming second class citizens. The pre-psionics developed and employed meditative strategies that gave them resistance to psionics (Stronglogic). The struggle resulted in a compromise whereby pre-psionics agreed to migrate to the farthest dozen or so new colony worlds of the empire.
A thousand years after that came the Noble Immortal Crusade. Elites among the expanding colonists learned that they could be more free of the Velekii's presence the further they got. With the help of foreign governments, they used illegal cloning technology to create several false avatars whom they installed as puppet rulers. In the ensuing battle, backed by foreign fleets in orbit, Velekii divided itself up into tens of thousands of avatars on dzones of worlds and pulled their ships down from the heavens.
... running out of steam here :P will continue later