Quote: Original post by Thermodynamics
Monster cages: Works in theory similar to your repellant. However, these devices allow the mechant to capture the monster and sell them at the next stop. You just need enough have enough of the right type of cage.
[smile] I like the idea of towing monsters back to civilization with the attendant risk that they could escape (either onboard your ship or behind it if on cable or tractor beam).
Quote: Original post by ToohrVyk
There is something to be said about the methods used in the past by merchants to go through dangerous areas. Usually, they hired mercenaries to escort the caravans, thus being a merchant defended by a fighter, to use your terminology. In other cases, they sneaked through, or hired someone to do it, to smuggle goods through well-guarded borders, becoming merchants aided by sneakers.
This could work if the AI could be made smart enough (unfortunately, that's a HUGE if given lots of different weapons and tactics) My problem has been that I'm very set on you being somewhat independent, at least in single player. Hirees or mules could theoretically work.
While this quite breaks with the symmetry of the game (with merchants needing the other classes to be active) I think that it is also easier for a fighter or sneaker to operate when he is being sponsored by a merchant (thus having access to cheaper goods, paid contracts, and a stable source of revenue should they be successful).
It might be interesting to need a patron, but that kills some of the frontiersman feel I'm going for. For instance, the fighter can always take bounties without a patron, and the sneak can always spy or steal and sell the results, generally whether it's dangerous or civilized territory.
- Should someone plan the player's demise, he could give the player (or sell, in order not to appear suspicious) incorrect keys to a given area. While it is possible to check if pheromones are the correct ones, it's harder to know if IFF codes will be recognized without approaching the defenses.
Oh, now that's pretty dirty! :P It would be an interesting side effect of ticking off a powerful enemy, as well, similar to your ship being sabotaged after leaving a port.
- Similarly, should two "key" retailers want to disrupt each other's market, one could sell, the other's one-use keys (such as anti-Sieger pulse emitters), which are easy to copy, thus making his copies invalid (so he can sell them and ruin his reputation, or throw them away and lose money).
This is similar to the above, but has an added layer that's a bit troubling. I like it, but it would be a case where you're being punished for something you didn't do. It would have to be obvious that the two are fighting, in which case you probably wouldn't go to either.
- Having monopolies over certain types of technologies could be interesting. For instance, to pass through an array of killer drones, one would need a special drone key, that nobody knows how to create except for a rogue AI cell that can provide an AI bomb to disrupt the drones for a few hours. Or the the spaceborne giant metallophage leeches of X can only be repelled by species Y's bodily fluids.
Great, this is exactly in the spirit of what I meant by these keys being a matter of special trades.
- Some missions could even involve a sneaker needing such a device in order to rescue a group of stranded NPC merchants in a dangerous area. While a fighter could break his way in, then out, a sneaker can go back and forth undetected but the merchants can't, so the sneaker would need a way to allow the merchants to pass.
This would be great fodder for a mission, and an unexpected twist, too.
- Crystalline asteroid belts: these asteroids grow at a fast rate and can break through most hulls. Fighters can blast them, and swift sneaker ships can navigate without harm. Merchants need to use a special dissolver to create a hole in the belt.
I could use this idea in very dangerous space anomalies where debris is phasing in and out of normal space.
- Migration maps: you can buy from astronomers/biologists maps that predict the location of monster swarms over the next few days. You can use this to move in using a just-as-fast alternate path without encountering the monsters.
- Decoys: cause the enemies to follow a drone that emits a much more attracting signal than your ship, be it a mating call for a female-starved group, or a very large reactor for energy eaters.
Haha, these I like! :P