Good idea!
Of course, it would allow without further change attaching batteries, engineers, doctors, and other repairing/ re-supplying structures to a group.
Attaching a peasant/drone to a bunch of defensive structures could mean to rebuild those structures if they are destroyed, and repair them if they are damaged (if enough minerals are available - the threshold can even be accessible to the player).
Attaching troop carriers to a ground group will automatically load/unload the troops as needed.
An automated way of building scarabs would be nice too (say a 15% crystals quota is attached to a group of scarab firing maggots; they would automatically use 15% of new resources to build up their ammo).
Attaching building structures to a group would reinforce that group by building the units that were destroyed from the group.
A special reinforcing attachment between two groups can transfer units from the reinforcement group to the main group to keep its effectives complete. The reinforcement group can be thus attached to more groups, reinforcing the one that needs it.
A special repair attachment between two groups can transfer damaged units from a battle group to the repair group. As a side effect, if the repair group is also set as the reinforcement group of the battle group, and the repair group has some unit building factories and some repairing resources the following will happen:
- unit gets damaged above certain level in battle group.
- the unit breaks off and heads towards repair group.
- the total no. of units of the battle group drops
- a healthy unit breaks off from the repair group and heads towards the battle-group
- damaged unit gets to the repair facility and gets repaired
- fixed damaged unit is ready to replace another damaged unit
Neat, ain''t it?
Heh, attaching a transport group to the reinforcement group would make sure reinforcements are flied to the needed area. Attaching a fighter group to the transport group would make sure the reinforcements have an escort. Yes, I think I like this system!
Original post by Wavinator
OK, so take this a step further: Let''s say you can designate a __GROUP__ of units as a resource. Ex.: You''ve got a bunch of Wraiths (aircraft) at your base. You also have 3 chokepoints guarded by Marines and Tanks. If any one of them is hit by a large force (yes, requires offense / defense strength comparison) they can summon __ANY__ resources you''ve attached to them. (OR, maybe you don''t attach resources, but simply make them available for general use, or use within a zone you click and drag)
I''d like to see an easy to use system that can allow specifying the behavior of those groups like the following:
"retreat position : base"
"active position : chokepoint1"
"on small attack, fight"
"on medium attack, call air group 5 as reinforcements"
"on heavy attack, retreat"
"on retreat, signal group 1 to retreat"
"on retreat, signal group 2 to retreat"
"on retreat, signal group 3 to retreat"
"on player signal A, become active"
"like group 1 except:"
"active position: chokepoint2"
"like group 1 except:"
"active position: chokepoint3"
I''ve made all the groups to retreat if one retreats because once one choke-point is breached, it''s no longer useful to hold the others. I''ve made all groups retreat to the same place to concentrate forces and prepare for a counter-attack. The on player signal option is very nice, because it allows the player to re-deploy to previous positions w/o doing all the work all over again.