(Unit Link-List)
head-->B-->A--> ... -->tail
(bad case)
| A | EX: A,B are buildings or tanks.
| |--- ==> if I don''t adjust the Unit List-Link,
------- | ==> it will show B first, than show A.
| B |
(It''s should be this)
| A |
| -------
---| B |
| |
if I design my engine with AVL-Tree, is it true I can solve this problem and do not make the game speed slow down ?? Thanks a lot.
and sorry for my poor english
AVL-Tree V.S. Link-List
I have a big problem with my Game Engine. I designed my Unit engine with Link-List before. Then I shown all units one by one which follow the Unit Link-List. But if there was a unit "A" which in upper location in the map than unit "B", but in the unit Link-List, unit B is in front of unit A. Then something happened following.
I don''t know about AVL trees, but generally, what you want to do is depth sorting. You could just give each unit a z value (describing how high it is on the map) and sort the list according to these values before drawing.
Just like
Anyway, this is not the most optimized solution (a linked list can better be sorted without dissolving into a pointer-array) and it will involve some speed loss.
Well, good luck,
I hope there''s anyone knowing about AVL trees here
Just like
int compare_units_z(void *unit1, void *unit2) { return unit1->z - unit2->z;}void Draw(void) { t_unit **units; t_unit *unit; int cur_unit; units = malloc(sizeof(t_unit *) * num_units); unit = list->top; cur_unit = 0; while(unit) { units[cur_unit] = unit; cur_unit++; unit = unit->next; } qsort(units, num_units, sizeof(units[0]), compare_units_z); for(cur_unit = 0; cur_unit < num_units; cur_unit++) { // Draw Units[cur_unit] } free(elements); return;}
Anyway, this is not the most optimized solution (a linked list can better be sorted without dissolving into a pointer-array) and it will involve some speed loss.
Well, good luck,
I hope there''s anyone knowing about AVL trees here
Professional C++ and .NET developer trying to break into indie game development.
Follow my progress: http://blog.nuclex-games.com/ or Twitter - Topics: Ogre3D, Blender, game architecture tips & code snippets.
Follow my progress: http://blog.nuclex-games.com/ or Twitter - Topics: Ogre3D, Blender, game architecture tips & code snippets.
Trees make sorting faster Especially if you got a lot of nodes.
I can''t remember a good link right now, but you might want to check for "red-black trees". I''ve been told these are the fastest and easiest...
I can''t remember a good link right now, but you might want to check for "red-black trees". I''ve been told these are the fastest and easiest...
Just using an AVL tree will not clip your objects properly
It would create an automatically balencing tree and result in the fastest searches, but slower adds, more difficult iteration and mind-boggling complicated deletes.
I guess it would work if made the avl balence on the object position, but you would have to remove and re-add everything everytime it moved.
It would create an automatically balencing tree and result in the fastest searches, but slower adds, more difficult iteration and mind-boggling complicated deletes.
I guess it would work if made the avl balence on the object position, but you would have to remove and re-add everything everytime it moved.
- The trade-off between price and quality does not exist in Japan. Rather, the idea that high quality brings on cost reduction is widely accepted.-- Tajima & Matsubara
AVL trees are binary trees which guarentee O(log n) depth. Inserts and deletes can be slow, and should probably not be done in a real time game. And, if you need a static tree, then obviously an AVL tree is overkill.
"Unintentional death of one civilian by the US is a tragedy; intentional slaughter of a million by Saddam - a statistic." - Unknown
I got another question:
What is STL ( Standard Templete Library ) ??
what kind of data stucture in STL??
What is STL ( Standard Templete Library ) ??
what kind of data stucture in STL??
A template is like a #defined class.
For example you could either write a linked list class:
class CLinkList {
CLinkList *m_pCPrev;
CLinkList *m_pCNext;
void *m_pData;
which only stored variables of type void *. This means a bit of confusion and a lot of type casts.
So, as a workaround, you could derive a class for each type from the CLinkList class:
class CLLObjects : CLinkList {
Yet you would still have to rewrite each Add(), Remove(), Get() etc. function in the class. The solution here is a template:
template <class TYPE> class CLINKLIST {
TYPE *m_pData;
void Add(TYPE *m_pData);
And to use it, just do
class CMyClass;
CLINKLIST <int> m_pIntList;
CLINKLIST <CMyClass> m_pMyClassList;
m_pMyClassList.Add(new CMyClass(123));
So, the STL is, like the name says, just a library of standard templates, like Queues, Hash lists, Strings, Trees and other data structures.
If you want a quick, self-optimizing tree, which keeps a lot of objects and moves the most recently used objects to the top, I''d recommend you a Splay-Tree,
For example you could either write a linked list class:
class CLinkList {
CLinkList *m_pCPrev;
CLinkList *m_pCNext;
void *m_pData;
which only stored variables of type void *. This means a bit of confusion and a lot of type casts.
So, as a workaround, you could derive a class for each type from the CLinkList class:
class CLLObjects : CLinkList {
Yet you would still have to rewrite each Add(), Remove(), Get() etc. function in the class. The solution here is a template:
template <class TYPE> class CLINKLIST {
TYPE *m_pData;
void Add(TYPE *m_pData);
And to use it, just do
class CMyClass;
CLINKLIST <int> m_pIntList;
CLINKLIST <CMyClass> m_pMyClassList;
m_pMyClassList.Add(new CMyClass(123));
So, the STL is, like the name says, just a library of standard templates, like Queues, Hash lists, Strings, Trees and other data structures.
If you want a quick, self-optimizing tree, which keeps a lot of objects and moves the most recently used objects to the top, I''d recommend you a Splay-Tree,
Professional C++ and .NET developer trying to break into indie game development.
Follow my progress: http://blog.nuclex-games.com/ or Twitter - Topics: Ogre3D, Blender, game architecture tips & code snippets.
Follow my progress: http://blog.nuclex-games.com/ or Twitter - Topics: Ogre3D, Blender, game architecture tips & code snippets.
The Standard Template Library is a collection of objects written a number of people, most of whom work at SGI (i think). They implement a spectrum of commonly used data structures.
goto www.sgi.com and search for STL and you can download thier library and header files. I haven''t used the STL much, but always hear good things about it.
goto www.sgi.com and search for STL and you can download thier library and header files. I haven''t used the STL much, but always hear good things about it.
- The trade-off between price and quality does not exist in Japan. Rather, the idea that high quality brings on cost reduction is widely accepted.-- Tajima & Matsubara
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