
The new GTK file selector

Started by August 12, 2004 08:12 PM
6 comments, last by Drag0n 20 years, 1 month ago
I'd heard so much about the new GTK file selector and how much better it was going to be, and I was so happy because I hated the old one. Yay! Finally something good! We need one so bad! Then I see this: Is that it? THAT'S the new file selector dialog?! Look at all the wasted space! You can't even type in a file name! Is that really the new file selector I've heard so much about?
I like the DARK layout!
there's no way it could be somethin like that, ive searched the net and found nothing but rumours and same alpha file selectors that are being taken into consideration to be the new one:

probably will be something like that.

yet, another stupid signature..
That's the new file selector alright. It takes some time to get used to, but it isn't as bad as most people think.

You can hit CTRL + F to type a name, or use "open location" instead of "open file" if you'd rather type the full path.

Hope this helps.
Yes, it's actually not as bad as I thought it'd be. Not that I was completely satisfied with it (hence this set of patches I wrote). I use the full path entry most of the time since I've long been a tab-completion addict.
Quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
You can hit CTRL + F to type a name, or use "open location" instead of "open file" if you'd rather type the full path.

Yes, Control and L for a full path entry.
Where do you get this new file selector?

Btw, I've always wondered who created that infernal GTK file selector, I mean, it's almost like you have to try in order to create something that decadent and unintuitive.
I eat heart attacks
Why they make you hit a key combo to get the box to pop up? Why not just have the box always there and make it accept any keys you press and do everything else like it does now? No need to click and no key combo needed.
I like the DARK layout!
So your only complain is about the type-the-filename thing... come on, it's not that bad, is it? And have you seen the save-dialog? It's pretty neat... i think it's good that Gnome is trying to do some "innovation".

Also, i think they're making some changes that you'll probably see on Gnome 2.8 (which will be released soon).

GNOME 2.8 is scheduled for September 15:

I hope they kept working on the "old" nautilus, too, as I can't really get used to the "Spatial" nautilus. Only thing I know for sure is that you can now set the spatial/browser toggle right in the nautilus preferences.

I haven't heard/read anything about the file selector. I'm hangin out on GIMPNet pretty much, if I find something out I'll let you guys know.

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