
Red Hat Help?

Started by July 21, 2004 10:19 PM
15 comments, last by metal leper 20 years, 1 month ago
example.. usin gentoo...

md5sum install-x86-universal-2004.1.iso

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" - Confucius
btw.. tried downloading the files via the regular http iexplorer downloader, ws ftp pro 8, and using getright.
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" - Confucius
1. Are the files approximately the correct size? If not, how far off are they?

2. Are you sure you are downloading in binary mode and not ASCII mode when downloading via FTP?
have you tried using firefox? or an ftp program(like CoreFTP)?
wsftp is an ftp program.
Zorx (a Puzzle Bobble clone)Discontinuity (an animation system for POV-Ray)
If the files are the right size I'd try to install anyway - the worst that'll happen is that you'll spend time installing a distro (preferably not gentoo in this case - you wouldn't want something to go wrong after spending a long time installing it), and something won't work, so you'll have to start again with an iso that works

If they are too small, then maybe it's some connection issue you have?

You can buy cds cheaply from somewhere like

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