
AoE2-AoK lagging in single player

Started by November 26, 1999 03:45 AM
2 comments, last by firahs 24 years, 10 months ago
what you are experiencing isn't lag (as in network lag) but rather a game slowdown which seems to be caused a couple different things in AOK.

i have an overclocked celeron running at 450mhz on a 100mhz bus and early on in a game everything runs lightning fast. as the game progressess, however, it slows to a crawl.

one of the reasons for the slowdown comes from the fact that as the world population grows, so does the load on the processor. (remember that every unit in the game has attributes that must be tracked and more importantly each has AI processing to do)

the bigger problem though is the fact that AOK is a memory hog. when i run the game with 4 or 5 computer opponents, it will easily eat up over 100megs of ram. even if you have 128 megs of ram, windows will eventually allocate and use a swap file.
it is especially bad if you are running less than 128 megs.

to see what i'm talking about run sysmon during one of your AOK games and watch as your swap file grows.

you might think that going from real to virtual memory wouldn't have that great of an impact, but remember that ram speed is measured in nano seconds (billionths 10^-9) vs hd access speed of milliseconds (thousandths 10^-3). that's a big difference!"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain temporary safety deserve neither." -- Benjamin Franklin"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door." -- Milton Berle
i meant slowdown, but lag is synonymous.
Yeah, i just think that the game is poorly coded, nothing should take up that much ram if it is optimized. I can run my mp3 player, icq, mirc, and starcraft all at the same time without any problems. enen with a full population.
Has anyone noticed how whenver the total population on a map has exceeded about 200 people, you game starts to lag...well i have
oh yeah, sorry fel and dan and blk and his cousin for blaming you for lagging the game , its just poor code that causes the game to lag when there are so many people
As PinkDaisy told you, lag is just very high latency och packet loss in a network. But think a sec. 200(or 400,600 or more!)objects, everyone must remember exactly what they was doing, where they were, how much resources they were carrying, how much health they had, etc. That's a lot of memory!

"Du kan kalla mig idiot, det har jag inget emot.
Jag är en idiot."
-Bob Hund
(It's swedish, means:
"You can call me an idiot, I don't care.
I am an idiot.")

"Du kan kalla mig idiot, det har jag inget emot.
Jag är en idiot."
-Bob Hund
(It's swedish, means:
"You can call me an idiot, I don't care.
I am an idiot.")

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